@Cliff-Wong Thanks for your response! I have en_ext_feature_tracker: true. I tried running voxl-feature-tracker and it ended in a seg fault (included below).
I also noticed that after running voxl-open-vins-server, when I run voxl-inspect-services, voxl-open-vins-server remains Disabled and Not Running even though the ov_overlay video stream is visible and updating, and the voxl-open-vins-server has not been quit.
voxl2:~$ voxl-feature-tracker
num_features: 30
en_blur: 0
en_normalization: 0
en_stereo_sync_ts: 0
pixel_filter_size: 2.000
pixel_search_radius: 10.000
octave_search_radius: 3.000
vio_cam config:
cam 0:
enable: 1
name: tracking
pipe_for_preview: tracking
pipe_for_tracking: tracking
is_occluded_on_ground: 0
imu: imu_apps
is_extrinsic_present: 1
extrinsic cam wrt imu:
parent: imu_apps
child: tracking
T_cam_wrt_imu: -0.017 -0.016 0.015
RPY_imu_to_cam: 0.0 0.0 0.0
R_cam_to_imu: 1.000 -0.000 0.000
0.000 1.000 -0.000
0.000 0.000 1.000
cal file: opencv_tracking_intrinsics.yml
is_cal_present: 1
cam cal intrinsics:
width: 640
height: 480
fx: 277.865
fy: 278.515
cx: 310.027
cy: 230.207
n_coeffs: 4
is_fisheye: 1
D: -0.0091 0.0038 0.0082 -0.0059
thread is locked to cores: 0 1 2 3
cvp_set_pixel_search_radius: 10.000000
cvp_octave_search_radius: 3.000000
cvp_en_id_sort: true
opening pipe: tracking
Setup completed! Waiting for images...
Connected to cam 0 tracking
ERROR: Width/Height mismatch, optic flow w/h should be [640 400] , instead got [320 240]
ERROR getting cvp feature tracker handle
created output pipes:
Feature Pipe: tracked_feats
Overlay Pipe: feature_tracker_overlay
starting publisher thread
Segmentation fault:
Fault thread: voxl-feature-tr(tid: 4606)
Fault address: (nil)
Address not mapped.
Segmentation fault
Thanks for your help, let me know what you think! 🙂