Unsure, if you have resolved this so I am going to attempt to help but I am going to need more information if possible. I am unsure how the setup is for the drone seems like you have one camera (Tracking_rear) pointed straight backwards and two cameras (Tracking_front, Tracking_down) facing forward at a 30 degree downward angle?
I am not sure that you are showing with the log output.
Have you tried hand testing using the command voxl-inspect-pose -l
and seeing how RPY and translational movement (moving the drone up, right, forward) are behaving for the local frame?
Latest posts made by Aaron Porter
RE: voxl-open-vins-server imu_to_cam RPY(deg) different output logs
MIPI Connections
Question, Is it possible to connect a MIPI cable to the top of a Voxl2 using some of the pins in J5 or J3? So we don't have to touch Kernel stuff but can still use a MIPI camera through Linux if we create the driver.
Thank you for your time,
Aaron Porter -
RE: VOXL2 IO Board Flashing Firmware
I am following this guide: https://docs.modalai.com/voxl2-io-firmware/
I am trying to install the firmware using STLinkas for the bootl oader it is a ModalAI bootloader already installed I assume based on the blue LED light flash, so it is not a legacy board
VOXL2 IO Board Flashing Firmware
I am trying to flash the firmware to the VOXL2 IO board but I am getting an issue using OpenOCD. It seems like the version has changed since the documentation was created.
+ FIRMWARE_FILE=/.../Downloads/m0065_firmware.bin + sudo openocd -f /usr/share/openocd/scripts/interface/stlink-v2.cfg -f /usr/share/openocd/scripts/target/stm32f1x.cfg -c 'adapter speed 4000' -c init -c 'sleep 100' -c 'reset halt' -c 'sleep 500' -c 'flash write_image erase /.../Downloads/m0065_firmware.bin 0x08001C00' -c 'reset run' -c exit Open On-Chip Debugger 0.10.0 Licensed under GNU GPL v2 For bug reports, read http://openocd.org/doc/doxygen/bugs.html Info : auto-selecting first available session transport "hla_swd". To override use 'transport select <transport>'. Info : The selected transport took over low-level target control. The results might differ compared to plain JTAG/SWD adapter speed: 1000 kHz adapter_nsrst_delay: 100 none separate invalid command name "adapter"
I am on a Linux computer and installed OpenOCD using just
apt-get install openocd
. I have the ST-Link connect like the diagram shows. And the ST-Link is connected to my computer via USB.
So Honestly I am lost to as to what I am doing wrong?Thanks in advance,
- Aaron
Actuator Tab not Identifying motors
The Problem:
So we recently ran into an issue where the Actuator Tab in QGroundControl wanted us to Identify and assign the motors for the starling. We tried using voxl-configure-mpa with the sku set to starling. Still we were not able to spin the motors.The Solution:
We were able to resolve the issue my installing a new version of the SDK onto the starling which resolved the issue we were having.Hope this helps
VIO Quality
I am trying to get the VIO Quality on the drone below to be higher than 20% when flying. I am using
to see the quality in real time while I am moving it manually.
In the beginning when the drone first starts up the quality is good at or around 100%, I can move the drone forward and I see x increasing, move left and y decreases, moving up the z value decreases. Once I start moving the drone the quality drops to 20% and will occasionally restart. I was looking at the documentation post here for troubleshooting VIO issues. I checked the IMU_APPS and saw only green values even when I jostled it a bit. I thought that the light from the lidar that I had behind it was causing some lighting issues so I removed it. Still having the same issue.I tried getting the extrinsic file values as close to the correct offset values that I can for the tracking camera. The only thing that I can see that Might be an issue is that the camera is not pointed completely straight. But if that is not the issue then I don't really know what else to look at to fix the quality drop.
-Aaron -
RE: VOXL2 mini and Extrinsics file
@Aaron-Porter So I made a mistake that the IMU-server was not running during my screen shots. But I figured out the issue. Yo can use the starling file you have to run the command,
voxl-configure-qvio factory_enable_imu_apps
This will tell qvio-server to look for imu_apps instead of imu0.
VOXL2 mini and Extrinsics file
I have a question about the VOXL2 mini's extrinsics file and using voxl-qvio-server. I reinstalled the VOXL2 mini SDK 1.0 on to the VOXL2 mini. The extrinsics file has the values for IMU0 and IMU1. When I check voxl-inspect-services, I can see that voxl-imu-server is running.
However voxl-qvio-server is reporting an error when I look at the page using voxl-portal. The error is that IMU_MISSING. I know on the VOXL2 the IMUs are separated as IMU_APP and IMU_PX4. So I tried switching the extrinsics file to the Starling_V2 but then IMU Server is reporting an error.
How can I fix this?
Thank you,
Aaron Porter -
RE: QVIO Issues with y and z values flipped
So this is the correct functionality, and that the Data is updated relative to the IMU and not to the Body of the Drone.