My setup is nearly identical to the "VOXL 2 IO S.BUS input and PWM Output" case found here: The io board seems to work as intended, as I can communicate with the S.BUS receiver, and voxl-2-io upgrade_firmware says the firmware on the board is already up-to-date. I've edited the voxl-px4.conf file to change the receiver type to M0065_sbus and the ESC to VOXL_IO_PWM_ESC (or whatever the parameter is, it's correct there). I can also spin the motors through voxl-2-io spin. However, my ESC isn't connecting to the voxl 2 on bootup (I don't hear the final upbeat tones) and I can't spin the motors through the actuators tab on QGC, even though I believe it to be configured correctly.
By doing voxl-px4 -d | grep VOXL2_IO, and looking at the port numbers that voxl-2-io upgrade_firmware uses, it seems the problem is that it's trying to launch the driver and connect to port 2, when it should be trying to connect to port 7. However, when I run the command "voxl2_io start -p 7" in qshell, which should theoretically start the driver manually on port 7, it still won't connect. 1.png 3.png 2.png
We have one extra io board to test with at the minute, but I can't even update the firmware on that one, and when I run the 'spin' command it just spins one motor forever. Pretty sure both the io boards are bricked somehow.
The reason I am trying to use an external 4-in-1 esc is because the a mosfet(s) on the first VOXL esc we tried burnt out during initial motor testing and shorted, and the second VOXL esc exploded about 2 seconds into spinning up the motors for the first time. The drone is 6s, which they are rated for, and were 100% wired correctly, I had multiple people check and did continuity tests on all terminals.
Any advice on both of these matters would be appreciated.