Hi, thanks for your response!
I'm using a ModalAI development drone (Starling2), and to make the VIO less robust and test the auto-reset, I'm only using the tracking_front camera.
I have already set "init_dyn_use" = true and "en_force_init" = true.
However, whether "en_force_init" is set to true or false, the result is always the same: the system resets, but as soon as it restarts, it immediately begins to diverge, causing another reset shortly after, and so on. After a certain number of resets, it sometimes stops resetting and continues to diverge indefinitely.
The only way the reset works without the VIO diverging afterward is if the reset happens while the drone is placed on a stable surface.
This is my config file:
"en_auto_reset": true,
"auto_reset_max_velocity": 20,
"auto_reset_max_v_cov_instant": 0.10000000149011612,
"auto_reset_max_v_cov": 0.10000000149011612,
"auto_reset_max_v_cov_timeout_s": 0.5,
"auto_reset_min_features": 1,
"auto_reset_min_feature_timeout_s": 3,
"auto_fallback_timeout_s": 3,
"auto_fallback_min_v": 0.600000023841858,
"en_cont_yaw_checks": false,
"fast_yaw_thresh": 5,
"fast_yaw_timeout_s": 1.75,
"do_fej": true,
"imu_avg": true,
"use_rk4_integration": true,
"cam_to_imu_refinement": true,
"cam_intrins_refinement": true,
"cam_imu_ts_refinement": true,
"max_clone_size": 8,
"max_slam_features": 35,
"max_slam_in_update": 10,
"max_msckf_in_update": 10,
"feat_rep_msckf": 4,
"feat_rep_slam": 4,
"cam_imu_time_offset": 0,
"slam_delay": 1,
"gravity_mag": 9.80665,
"init_window_time": 1,
"init_imu_thresh": 1,
"imu_sigma_w": 0.00013990944749616306,
"imu_sigma_wb": 4.1189724174615527e-07,
"imu_sigma_a": 0.0038947538150776763,
"imu_sigma_ab": 5.538346201712153e-05,
"msckf_chi2_multiplier": 0.65,
"slam_chi2_multiplier": 40,
"zupt_chi2_multiplier": 1,
"msckf_sigma_px": 1,
"slam_sigma_px": 1.8,
"zupt_sigma_px": 1,
"try_zupt": true,
"zupt_max_velocity": 0.03,
"zupt_only_at_beginning": true,
"zupt_noise_multiplier": 1,
"zupt_max_disparity": 8,
"init_dyn_use": true,
"triangulate_1d": false,
"refine_features": false,
"max_runs": 5,
"init_lamda": 0.001,
"max_lamda": 10000000000,
"min_dx": 1e-06,
"min_dcost": 1e-06,
"lam_mult": 10,
"min_dist": 0.1,
"max_dist": 60,
"max_baseline": 40,
"max_cond_number": 600000,
"use_mask": false,
"use_stereo": false,
"use_baro": false,
"num_opencv_threads": 4,
"fast_threshold": 10,
"histogram_method": 1,
"knn_ratio": 0.7,
"takeoff_accel_threshold": 0.5,
"takeoff_threshold": -0.1,
"use_stats": false,
"max_allowable_cep": 1,
"en_force_init": true,
"en_force_ned_2_flu": false,
"track_frequency": 30,
"publish_frequency": 15,
"en_vio_always_on": true,
"en_ext_feature_tracker": false,
"en_gpu_for_tracking": true,
"num_features_to_track": 30
Also, I am keeping "en_vio_always_on" = true because i am performing hand testing. But if i set it to false, the VIO never starts (from voxl-inspect-vins I see it is at 0,0,0 and the the portal I do not see any feature on ov_overlay if i move the drone).
Any suggestion? Thanks again!