I would look at this being a radio thing. I would try
get some distance between the radios. if they are too close together there might be too much noise in the system monitor the radio health when you see the cut out (should be able to see that from the menu of microhard see if this happens if you connect over straight ethernet (use this cable: https://www.amazon.com/USB-Ethernet-Adapter-Gigabit-Switch/dp/B09GRL3VCN/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=1ZBIC6DOI8DB5&keywords=ethernet+to+usb+adapter&qid=1699997723&sprefix=ehternet+to+usb%2Caps%2C124&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1). If you dont see the issue, i would look closer into how the radios are configured antennas: make sure you have the right radio antennas suggested by microhard