@tom SOLVED, thanks Tom, that command line prompt showed me that I needed to voxl-configure-extrinsics. Thank you!
Best posts made by Jeremy Frederick
RE: VOXL2 QVIO Pipeline Failing to Run
RE: Voxl 2 and Herelink Slow Video stream
@tom We're running v1.0.1 SDK. However, we were actually just able to get the RTSP stream working over Herelink with virtually no latency. Using the SiYiQgroundControl application on the Herelink, the RTSP works completely fine. I believe the issue is in the QGC firmware that ships stock with the Herelink controller. For now you can consider this thread solved. Thanks again!
Latest posts made by Jeremy Frederick
open-vins mask file location
In the QVIO service, the config file has a line item for path to mask to use for QVIO. On the new, open-vins service, the config file has a line item for enabling the use of a mask, but does not have a line for specifying the path to the mask. Where do we identify the path to the mask file used, or otherwise where should the file be positioned. We will be using two masks for two separate tracking cameras.
Fact Checking my Understanding of the Extrinsic Configuration
Setup: VOXL 2, SDK 1.4.1, Open-VINs Dual-ARR0144 Cameras
One of my setups will require the VOXL 2 to be mounted upside down, with the MIPI connectors for the cameras facing upwards. I've been preparing the extrinsic file for the setup and wanted confirmation on my understanding of how to properly configure the upside down configuration.
My understanding is such: You must configure PX4 to know the flight controller is upside down, simple enough, with this done, I then go into the extrinsic file and begin setting the rotation and positions offsets.
My question is this: For the "parent": "body",
"child": "imu1",do you set a rotational value of 180 degrees to let the system know the imu is upside down? Then, do you set the camera rotational values to also include the rotation in the board.
For example, the default extrinsic for a forward facing camera and right side up VOXL 2 are:
If the VOXL 2 were upside down, would the extrinsics be:
VOXL FPV ESC Not Being detected (VOXL 2 SDK 1.4.1)
Currently troubleshooting some issues with the FPV ESC not being detected when using voxl-esc scan and voxl-esc detect. The FPV ESC is receiving battery power, powering the VOXL 2 as expected, and its LED pattern shows nothing out of the ordinary. Here is the output from voxl-esc scan and voxl-esc detect.
RE: Microhard USB Carrier Board Integration with VOXL 2 (As opposed to the add on board)
@Jetson-Nano I've integrated the Pico Radio from airborne innovations, as well as the USB carrier for Microhard, both 2350 and 2450 pMDDL chips. My best approach so far has been to connect the 4pin USB port from the USB Carrier to the USB3 expansion board of the Modal AI series (still requires an external board unfortunately). However, by connecting the power of the USB carrier for Microhard to the 6A 5V supply from the FPV ESC, I have been able to max the power output. Note, this does disable the extra USB ports on the microhard however.
Jeremy Frederick -
RE: External MAVLink Connection using VOXL 2 through ttyHS1
@Eric-Katzfey Dronetag DRI, It expects to accept MAVLink data from the flight controller.
RE: VOXL 2 IO Board troubleshooting - Driver will not start
@Vinny Appreciate the heads up
RE: External MAVLink Connection using VOXL 2 through ttyHS1
@Zachary-Lowell-0 I'm attempting to communicate through the UART ttyHS1 that is made available on the USB expansion board.
External MAVLink Connection using VOXL 2 through ttyHS1
I'm looking to establish an external MAVLink connection to the voxl-px4 service on VOXL 2 through the ttyHS1 of the USB3 expansion board. I'm looking to integrate a third party RemoteID module, and am not implementing an external flight controller.
All the documentation and questions on the forum I could find seem to reference an external flight controller use case, or an internal MAVROS/MAVSDK use case. How do I go about configuring the mavlink-server to output MAVLink on this external UART while maintaining the VOXL 2's PX4 capability.
RE: VOXL 2 IO Board troubleshooting - Driver will not start
@valvarez Any PWM based servo should work, we're using 5g servos with very little torque capability and haven't seen any issues with the power supply capabilities of the IO board in this regard. I connected the PWM Signal to output 1 on the IO board and the 5V and G of the same port. Has been working consistently through QGC.
FPV ESC PWM Signal Control
Currently using the VOXL IO board for PWM control on the VOXL 2 using SDK 1.3.5, I am beginning to integrate the FPV ESC and noticed that it has listed PWM output capabilities. If I can remove the VOXL IO board from the loop that would be ideal from a SWaP perspective. However, there is little documentation on how to get the PWM control to work through PX4 outside of what is listed in the test script. Has PWM output on the ESCs been fully integrated, separate from the ESC control which we would prefer to keep over the UART. Or, is the VOXL IO board still the only way to integrate PWM control out of the box with the Modal AI ecosystem? PWM control will be used for Payload control specifically.