I was wondering if there is a way to log altitude and/or barometer data similar to voxl-logger for imu data.
I was wondering if there is a way to log altitude and/or barometer data similar to voxl-logger for imu data.
@Alex-Kushleyev yes you can reference the log
We were attempting a tuning flight with a fresh rebuild and while checking stability all motors shut off, drone flipped and crashed inverted. Log attached, of note is in the logged messages "landing detected at 09:13 while it was approximately 27m in the air.
Tmotor MN5006 450kv (params tuned for low kv)
Doodle Meshrider radio
Control via Jeti RC connected to GCS
@Alex-Kushleyev I found that the parameters were just not used and once I set them with px4-param set PARAM_NAME param-value
that they show up in QGC
One that I am still stuck on though. I am looking for a parameter TRIG_PINS
that is not in the list of params in px4-param show -a
The default is 56 and I need to know how to map the pins to the PWM expansion board. From px4 documentation:
"Enables the Seagull MAP2 interface. This allows the use of the Seagull MAP2 to interface to a multitude of supported cameras. Pin 1 of the MAP2 should be connected to the lower AUX pin of TRIG_PINS (therefore, pin 1 to AUX 5 and pin 2 to AUX 6 by default). In this mode, PX4 also supports automatic power control and keep-alive functionalities of Sony Multiport cameras like the QX-1."
@Alex-Kushleyev I am looking to enable the seagull trigger in camera interfaces as shown here , but I do not see that option. I see that the interface is in the modalai repo but how do I enable it to show up in QGC?
@Alex-Kushleyev Okay I can do some searching for how to setup the trigger.
For the camera trigger.
Neutral state is 1500 microseconds
To trigger the camera, change the duty cycle to yield 1200 microseconds and hold that for one second before switching back to 1500 microseconds
Is that something that can be done?
@Alex-Kushleyev okay I upgraded px4 and updated the px4-start script - now see 8 pwm channels.
I need to configure the camera trigger as shown in the image below (it is shown in mission planner and I am not sure how to do it in QGC)
Can you please explain how I can configure the PWM output to trigger a shutter "pushed".
@Alex-Kushleyev we are all good on the RC front. We have the PWM expansion board and are trying to understand how to configure QGC. In the actuators tab, the I/O board is recognized but in the VOXL2 IO output tab it only shows 4 pwm channels that are all set to motors (which we don’t need). How can we use one of the other channels or configure one of the first 4 to provide a standard PWM that we can use for our camera trigger interface?
@Alex-Kushleyev yes I am looking to output standard PWM signals. We have the VOXL2 I/O expander board (MDK-M0065). We originally got it for RC connection but we’re also hoping to use the PWM capability for camera triggering.
@Alex-Kushleyev I would like to use the IO board to output a PWM for this camera trigger adapter. I do not need it to control motors as we are using the FPV 4in1 ESC.
Can you please give me instructions on how to configure voxl and QGC to output the PWM? Do I need to upgrade the IO board firmware?