sorry for the delay,
this sounds about right.
I'm not sure about the 15 fps but we do use raw preview only for our application and no other stream
this is my camera conf file:
cat /etc/modalai/voxl-camera-server.conf
* voxl-camera-server Configuration File
* Each camera has configurations for up to 4 HAL3 streams:
* - `preview` stream for raw unprocessed images from CV cameras
* - `small_video` 720p (ish) h264/h265 compressed for fpv video streaming
* - `large_video` 4k (ish) h264/h265 for onboard video recording to disk
* - `snapshot` ISP-processed JPG snapshots that get saved to disk
* on QRB5165 platforms (VOXL2 and VOXL2 mini) you can only have 3 of the 4 enabled
* This file is generated from default values by voxl-configure-cameras.
* Do not expect arbitrary resolutions to work, the ISP and video compression
* pipelines only support very specific resolutions.
* The default video compression mode is cqp or Constant Quantization Parameter
"version": 0.1,
"cameras": [{
"type": "ov7251",
"name": "stereo",
"enabled": true,
"camera_id": 0,
"camera_id_second": 1,
"independent_exposure": false,
"fps": 30,
"en_rotate": false,
"en_rotate_second": false,
"en_preview": true,
"preview_width": 640,
"preview_height": 480,
"en_raw_preview": true,
"ae_mode": "lme_msv",
"ae_desired_msv": 60,
"exposure_min_us": 20,
"exposure_max_us": 33000,
"gain_min": 54,
"gain_max": 8000,
"exposure_soft_min_us": 5000,
"ae_filter_alpha": 0.600000023841858,
"ae_ignore_fraction": 0.20000000298023224,
"ae_slope": 0.05000000074505806,
"ae_exposure_period": 1,
"ae_gain_period": 1
}, {
"type": "imx412",
"name": "hires2",
"enabled": true,
"camera_id": 2,
"fps": 3,
"en_rotate": true,
"en_preview": true,
"preview_width": 4056,
"preview_height": 3040,
"en_raw_preview": false,
"en_small_video": false,
"small_video_width": 1024,
"small_video_height": 768,
"small_venc_mode": "h265",
"small_venc_br_ctrl": "cqp",
"small_venc_Qfixed": 30,
"small_venc_Qmin": 15,
"small_venc_Qmax": 40,
"small_venc_nPframes": 9,
"small_venc_mbps": 2,
"en_large_video": false,
"large_video_width": 2048,
"large_video_height": 1536,
"large_venc_mode": "h265",
"large_venc_br_ctrl": "cqp",
"large_venc_Qfixed": 38,
"large_venc_Qmin": 15,
"large_venc_Qmax": 50,
"large_venc_nPframes": 29,
"large_venc_mbps": 30,
"en_snapshot": false,
"en_snapshot_width": 4056,
"en_snapshot_height": 3040,
"ae_mode": "lme_msv",
"ae_desired_msv": 65,
"exposure_min_us": 20,
"exposure_max_us": 33000,
"gain_min": 20,
"gain_max": 250,
"exposure_soft_min_us": 3000,
"ae_filter_alpha": 0.700000023841858,
"ae_ignore_fraction": 0.20000000298023224,
"ae_slope": 0.05000000074505806,
"ae_exposure_period": 1,
"ae_gain_period": 0.5
}, {
"type": "imx412",
"name": "hires",
"enabled": true,
"camera_id": 3,
"fps": 3,
"en_preview": true,
"preview_width": 4056,
"preview_height": 3040,
"en_raw_preview": false,
"en_small_video": false,
"small_video_width": 1024,
"small_video_height": 768,
"small_venc_mode": "h265",
"small_venc_br_ctrl": "cqp",
"small_venc_Qfixed": 30,
"small_venc_Qmin": 15,
"small_venc_Qmax": 40,
"small_venc_nPframes": 9,
"small_venc_mbps": 2,
"en_large_video": false,
"large_video_width": 4056,
"large_video_height": 3040,
"large_venc_mode": "h265",
"large_venc_br_ctrl": "cqp",
"large_venc_Qfixed": 38,
"large_venc_Qmin": 15,
"large_venc_Qmax": 50,
"large_venc_nPframes": 29,
"large_venc_mbps": 30,
"en_snapshot": false,
"en_snapshot_width": 4056,
"en_snapshot_height": 3040,
"ae_mode": "lme_msv",
"ae_desired_msv": 65,
"exposure_min_us": 20,
"exposure_max_us": 33000,
"gain_min": 20,
"gain_max": 250,
"exposure_soft_min_us": 3000,
"ae_filter_alpha": 0.700000023841858,
"ae_ignore_fraction": 0.20000000298023224,
"ae_slope": 0.05000000074505806,
"ae_exposure_period": 1,
"ae_gain_period": 0.5
}, {
"type": "ov7251",
"name": "tracking",
"enabled": true,
"camera_id": 4,
"fps": 30,
"en_rotate": false,
"en_preview": true,
"preview_width": 640,
"preview_height": 480,
"en_raw_preview": true,
"ae_mode": "lme_msv",
"ae_desired_msv": 60,
"exposure_min_us": 20,
"exposure_max_us": 33000,
"gain_min": 54,
"gain_max": 8000,
"exposure_soft_min_us": 5000,
"ae_filter_alpha": 0.600000023841858,
"ae_ignore_fraction": 0.20000000298023224,
"ae_slope": 0.05000000074505806,
"ae_exposure_period": 1,
"ae_gain_period": 1
hope this helps