@Alex-Kushleyev I am making a quadcopter with voxl2 and the modalai esc. I am trying to calibrate the esc. I am able to run the script but having this issue while scanning the esc with ftdi cable although I am able to run the motors with voxl2 J18 port.
/voxl-esc/tools$ python voxl-esc-scan.py
INFO: Device and baud rate are not provided, attempting to autodetect..
Scanning for ESC firmware: /dev/ttyUSB0, baud: 250000
Scanning for ESC firmware: /dev/ttyUSB0, baud: 2000000
Scanning for ESC firmware: /dev/ttyUSB0, baud: 921600
Scanning for ESC firmware: /dev/ttyUSB0, baud: 57600
Scanning for ESC firmware: /dev/ttyUSB0, baud: 115200
Scanning for ESC firmware: /dev/ttyUSB0, baud: 230400
Scanning for ESC bootloader: /dev/ttyUSB0, baud: 38400
Scanning for ESC bootloader: /dev/ttyUSB0, baud: 230400
Scanning for ESC bootloader: /dev/ttyUSB0, baud: 921600
ERROR: No ESC(s) detected, exiting.
Is there any way to calibrate esc using voxl2?