Can we use QUP3 I2C bus on J19?
I am having VOXL2 development kit with system image version 1.2.1.I wanted to know if we can use QUP3 I2C bus on J19 (pin number 7 and 8 ) along with Mag connected to I2C bus (pin number 4 and 5) over QUP0 as per connector description? We need to use both I2C bus simultaneously which are connected to slpi_proc. Over QUP3 I2C bus I intend to use SF45 lightware lidar shown over here.
Any guidance would be appreciated. -
@Aks There are a couple of considerations here. The first is the I2C port to use. In addition to what you are suggesting you could, potentially, put it on the same I2C port as the magnetometer as long as it has a different I2C address. Otherwise, it may be possible to use the port you are suggesting. However, we have not tested anything on that port yet. The other consideration is the device driver. Are you intending to use this sensor with PX4 and does PX4 already have a driver for it? If so, it may just work or it may require some modification to run properly on SLPI.
@Eric-Katzfey Thanks for the response. Apology for late reply from my side.
I understood your point. For developing any new driver in DSP say for this lidar do you have any certain guidelines since normal implementation on px4 won't work since I would have to port driver on to DSP in order to make things work. Please help me find sample driver which could be good start point.
Also does porting entire lidar driver and distance message publishing code inside DSP makes sense? Any computational or memory constraints you foresee in the process?
I think the most straight-forward way to integrate that sensor on VOXL 2 is to fork the voxl-range-finder server
The datapath:
SF45 -> apps_proc (USB or i2c or UART) -> voxl-rangefinder-server -> voxl-vision-px4 -> VOA -> Mavlink Obstacle Map -> PX4
qrb5165-rangefinder-server (currently under development using the TDK chirp sensors)
Thanks alot @Chad-Sweet for guidance. I will look into rangefinder server for further integration.