Arming VOXL, but motors won't spin up
@Chase-Riley, your output indicates that the ESC driver in PX4 is communicating with the ESC, I do not see any issue with that!
@Alex-Kushleyev Not sure what happened but you are correct it is functioning now.
When I run and the motors don't spin up here is what your second set of commands gives me:
I also watched as px4 started up and it looks like the process fails to open the port for the ESC (see the red after the voxl_esc start command) -
@Matthew-Wellner your ESC baud rate in PX4 params is 200,000 , not 2,000,000 which is most likely the issue.
the failure to open the UART port is most likely due to unsupported baud rate (200,000) instead of desired baud rate (2,000,000)
@Alex-Kushleyev - Thanks again. You were right and that was all I needed to change. Sorry!
@Matthew-Wellner , no worries! I am glad you got that part working.
@Alex-Kushleyev I had a similar issue and this helped a lot. thanks.