Just one last thing, do you think a gimbal of ~900g would be ok to be attached to the Sentinel without any issues? As the quoted max. payload for the Sentinel is 1kg?
But another problem that I am facing is Compass Sensor 0 missing.
Do you think there's some setting of the default compass that PX4 was picking up with the M8N GPS that came with the drone? Where can I configure the compass?
@SMRazaRizvi At first glance, it looks like that GPS uses CAN to communicate. There is not a supported CAN interface on VOXL 2. You will need to use an Arduino or something in the middle to translate CAN protocol to something VOXL 2 can interface with
@SMRazaRizvi in order to arm drone in offboard mode, px4 must be first able to arm in position mode. i would recommend checking if this drone arms in position mode (not manual)
@SMRazaRizvi You have to setup GPS and make EKF Aid mask use GPS, and I don't think using GPS will give you odometry data, you might get some sort of global position which helps you hold position and navigate