Integrating ORBSLAM for Drone Positioning in Autonomous Flight with MAVROS
I am presently engaged in the process of implementing MAVROS to enable autonomous control of my Sentinel drone in OFFBOARD mode. This entails the provision of target coordinates within the local position coordinate system for the drone's navigation, all while making use of MAVROS.
To kickstart this, my initial step involves accessing the drone's current position, which is being published on the /mavros/local_position/pose ROS topic. Subsequently, my plan is to publish the desired target position to the /mavros/setpoint_position/local ROS topic.
However, I've encountered a recurring issue where the local position published by the Flight Control Unit (FCU) experiences a failure due to a Vision Error, which I'm struggling to resolve. Consequently, I am exploring the possibility of substituting the FCU's calculated pose with the one estimated by ORBSLAM.
I have already managed to obtain a pose from ORBSLAM, but I'm seeking guidance on how to seamlessly integrate it with MAVROS to replace the FCU's estimation.