@griffin , this seems like an network issue. So please try the following:
open a terminal and just run the following command to "inspect" the hires stream so that it is always going and you can check if it's running any time : voxl-inspect-cam hires_down_small_encoded start a continuous ping test from your host that is trying to receive the video feed keep testing the video feed until you see the issue occur and check if ping is dropping out and double check voxl-inspect-cam output to make sure the data is flowing.What i expect is the output of voxl-inspect-cam should be continuously updating and you may see ping having trouble. Please let me know what you observe.
Regarding the voxl2 heating up, i will check with the team. open-vins-server is running (VIO) and it has been recently updated to use GPU for feature detection, so a slight increase in voxl2 temperature may be possible.