Drone losing position / crashing in Offboard mode
@Jetson-Nano The command is the same regardless of whether the message is custom or not. Another thing you can do is enable some of the debug flags available with
to see things like which mavlink messages it is receiving and which mavlink messages it is sending out. There are a variety of flags to choose from and that would help to figure out what is going wrong. -
@Eric-Katzfey This is what I am getting when I run vision hub with debug
voxl_visionion-hub -d Enabling recv debugging for localhost UDP port from ROS loading our own config file ================================================================= Parameters as loaded from config file: config_file_version: 1 MAVROS / MAVSDK en_localhost_mavlink_udp 0 localhost_udp_port_number: 14551 VIO en_vio: 1 vio_pipe: qvio secondary_vio_pipe: ov en_reset_vio_if_initialized_inverted: 1 vio_warmup_s: 3.000000 send_odom_while_failed: 1 MISC FEATURES horizon_cal_tolerance: 0.500000 OFFBOARD MODE offboard_mode: trajectory follow_tag_id: 0 figure_eight_move_home: 1 robot_radius: 0.300000 collision_sampling_dt: 0.100000 max_lookahead_distance: 1.000000 FIXED FRAME RELOCALIZATION en_tag_fixed_frame: 0 fixed_frame_filter_len: 5 en_transform_mavlink_pos_setpoints_from_fixed_frame:0 COLLISION PREVENTION (VOA) en_voa: 1 voa_upper_bound_m: -0.150000 voa_lower_bound_m: 0.150000 voa_memory_s: 1.000000 voa_max_pc_per_fusion: 100 voa_pie_min_dist_m: 0.250000 voa_pie_max_dist_m: 20.000000 voa_pie_under_trim_m: 1.000000 voa_pie_threshold: 3 voa_pie_slices: 36 voa_pie_bin_depth_m: 0.150000 voa_send_rate_hz: 20.000000 voa_input #0 enabled: 1 type: point_cloud input_pipe: dfs_point_cloud frame: stereo_l max_depth: 8.000000 min_depth: 0.300000 cell_size: 0.080000 threshold: 4 x_fov_deg: 68.000000 y_fov_deg: 56.000000 conf_cutoff: 0 voa_input #1 enabled: 1 type: point_cloud input_pipe: stereo_front_pc frame: stereo_front_l max_depth: 8.000000 min_depth: 0.300000 cell_size: 0.080000 threshold: 4 x_fov_deg: 68.000000 y_fov_deg: 56.000000 conf_cutoff: 0 voa_input #2 enabled: 1 type: point_cloud input_pipe: stereo_rear_pc frame: stereo_rear_l max_depth: 8.000000 min_depth: 0.300000 cell_size: 0.080000 threshold: 4 x_fov_deg: 68.000000 y_fov_deg: 56.000000 conf_cutoff: 0 voa_input #3 enabled: 1 type: tof input_pipe: tof frame: tof max_depth: 6.000000 min_depth: 0.150000 cell_size: 0.080000 threshold: 3 x_fov_deg: 106.500000 y_fov_deg: 85.099998 conf_cutoff: 125 voa_input #4 enabled: 1 type: rangefinder input_pipe: rangefinders frame: body max_depth: 8.000000 min_depth: 0.300000 cell_size: 0.080000 threshold: 4 x_fov_deg: 68.000000 y_fov_deg: 56.000000 conf_cutoff: 0 ================================================================= loading extrinsics config file loading horizon cal file existing instance of voxl-vision-hub found, attempting to stop it starting geometry module starting autopilot monitor starting mavlink IO Waiting to connect to voxl-mavlink-server Connected to voxl-mavlink-server starting fixed pose input starting vio manager Connected to VIO pipe: qvio Geometry module updating to use imu: imu_apps for VIO new T imu wrt body: 0.0907 -0.0060 -0.0295 new R imu to body: 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 done updating transforms to use imu: imu_apps from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 Detected Autopilot Mavlink SYSID 1 starting tag manager starting voa manager starting horizon cal module Connected to VOA input pipe: tof starting offboard trajectory Init complete Trajectory Monitor connected to voa pointcloud from AP msgid: 0 sysid: 1 compid: 1 requesting autopilot_version from AP msgid: 148 sysid: 1 compid: 1 Detected autopilot version: 1.14.0 from AP msgid: 77 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 253 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 253 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 253 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 83 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 74 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 147 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 230 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 74 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 42 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 0 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 411 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 74 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 83 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 42 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 74 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 141 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 245 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 32 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 12901 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 29 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 36 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 1 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 380 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 8 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 0 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 253 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 253 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 74 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 83 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 42 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 74 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 0 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 74 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 83 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 42 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 74 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 0 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 4 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 141 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 245 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 32 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 12901 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 29 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 36 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 1 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 380 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 8 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 253 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 411 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 253 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 74 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 83 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 42 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 147 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 230 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 74 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 0 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 74 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 83 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 42 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 0 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 74 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 141 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 245 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 32 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 12901 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 29 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 36 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 1 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 380 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 8 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 253 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 253 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 74 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 83 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 42 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 77 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 85 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 0 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 74 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 411 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 74 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 83 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 42 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 0 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 74 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 253 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 253 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 253 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 141 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 245 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 32 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 12901 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 85 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 29 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 36 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 1 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 380 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 8 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 74 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 83 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 42 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 0 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 147 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 230 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 74 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 74 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 83 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 85 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 42 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 0 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 74 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 411 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 253 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 410 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 253 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 253 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 141 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 245 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 32 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 12901 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 29 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 36 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 1 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 380 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 8 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 74 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 83 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 42 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 0 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 31 sysid: 1 compid: 1 from AP msgid: 30 sysid: 1 compid: 1
@Eric-Katzfey when I do
voxl-inspect-mavlink mavlink_onboard
I am getting
and in mavlink console when I stream Odometry message as you said I am getting no output
when I used -d instead of -u it shows device not running. I tried with different ports
Hey @Eric-Katzfey , I think I solved it. I got the odometry stream to VOXL2 from Cube. I had to run
mavlink stream -r 30 -s ODOMETRY -d /dev/ttyS0
after this I got odometry stream on the
voxl-inspect-mavlink mavlink_onboard
@Jetson-Nano Great! And is that now allowing you to run the figure 8?
@Eric-Katzfey I haven't done the flight test. I'll do the flight test and get back to you.
@Eric-Katzfey , I did the flight test and it works fine. Thank you.
But there is a problem, when I am checked 1st time it worked fine, later after a reboot and once again I ran the Mavlink Odometry stream, the terminal was lagging. The terminal with the output of voxl-inspect-mavlink mavlink_onboard this is lagging. The Odometry Hz was somewhere around 5 - 10, all the output in the terminal was lagging, so I though it was some WiFi issue and again tested offboard mode, but this time the drone went back to home.
So I rebooted the system and again ran the mavlink stream and waited for sometime until the lag in the voxl terminal is not there anymore, then when I tested offboard it was fine. I tried both figure eight and trajectory, both worked fine. I will attach the logs, can you please tell what might have caused the lag?
And I have one more question @Eric-Katzfey , I have to start the mavlink stream everytime. Is there a way to start the mavlink stream as soon the system is powered on?
@Jetson-Nano Yes, there is a way to do that. Probably best to consult the PX4 documentation or ask on the PX4 forum for best way to do that on a Cube Orange.
@Eric-Katzfey What about the previous question I asked?
@Jetson-Nano I really don't know what would cause that lag. You say it goes away if you wait awhile. How long do you have to wait for that to happen? And what is the baud rate of the UART that connects the CUBE Orange to VOXL 2? It's possible that the UART has too much data going over it and needs a higher baudrate.
@Eric-Katzfey The baudrate is 921600, sometimes I'll have to wait for more than 5 minutes and sometimes within seconds it will be ready to fly with required Hz
@Jetson-Nano Part of the startup sequence when running with QGC or MP is to upload a full set of parameters. There are hundreds of parameters and this can take quite a while to complete. While this is happening the serial link is inundated with PARAM_VALUE mavlink messages. Once that has been completed then the link will have much less traffic. While it is laggy you can look at the mavlink console and see if it is receiving those PARAM_VALUE messages. That is a possible reason.
@Eric-Katzfey I'm currently integrating VOXL2 with Flight Core V2.
PX4 version: v1.14.3 (from modalAI fork)
I am trying to use offboard mode and do
, but the problem I'm facing is, whenever I switch to offboard, the drone sometimes moves randomly.Once I reboot the FC once and start flying from same position, and then switching to
, I observe that the drone does figure 8, but loses height sequentially and drifts over the ground and crashes after a few cycles.For height estimation, I rely on using a Rangefinder.
Also, when I run,
voxl-inspect-mavlink mavlink_onboard
I'm not able to observe, the #331 ODOMETRY message.
@Jetson-Nano What happens if you don't use the rangefinder? If VIO is working then you get the height from that.
@Eric-Katzfey Thanks for reverting back.
I had tried earlier disabling the Rangefinder and relying only on VIO.
VIO works fine in feature rich environment, when it crosses low-feature environment, there is a random motion of system which could observed serving the main reason for using external Rangefinder.
Also, height estimation goes off even if the drone does
within offboard, height estimation goes off.Is there any way I can view the #331 ODOMETRY message being pushed from FC to Compute?
Hey @Eric-Katzfey I was able to solve it. I was able to shift the drone to
, the drone doesn't drift away. Invoxl-vision-hub
, I have the set the parameter tofigure_eight
.I'm getting the stream to VOXL2 from Flight Core v2. I had to run it on 2 different ports.
mavlink stream -r 30 -s ODOMETRY -d /dev/ttyS4
mavlink stream -r 30 -s ODOMETRY -d /dev/ttyS6
But I'm getting the #331 odometry message when using onlyttyS6
port.Now the drone is able to
loop without loosing height estimates.