After flashing, I cannot connect to the QGC.
After setting up the IP address, I try to connect via UDP using the IP and port 14550, this is what I get
drone(connected) is the one not connecting to QGC.
After flashing, I cannot connect to the QGC.
After setting up the IP address, I try to connect via UDP using the IP and port 14550, this is what I get
drone(connected) is the one not connecting to QGC.
And in the flashing process, which number should be chosen from this list:
current IP: wlan0:
After flashing and setting up the IP address, I can ssh in the drone but I cannot connect to the drone to the QGC.
The port setting is 14550.
Any help on this?
Best wishes,
offboard mode:
The drone does NOT arm from the ROS2 command but it can be armed with the RC
3)rb5:~$ voxl-inspect-services
Scanning services...
Best wishes,
Issue: When I run ros2 for figure 8 , I get the following output but the rb5 is not doing figure 8
rb5:~$ ros2 run voxl_offboard_figure8 voxl_offboard_figure8
[INFO] [1736938771.880330404] [offboard_figure8_node]: Offboard Figure 8 Node Alive!
[INFO] [1736938773.006198000] [offboard_figure8_node]: Switching to offboard mode
[INFO] [1736938773.010869569] [offboard_figure8_node]: Arm command sent
[INFO] [1736938781.907197594] [offboard_figure8_node]: Doing figure 8 now
[INFO] [1736938794.961756257] [offboard_figure8_node]: Switching to land mode
Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
Best wishes,
Please could you provide a simple example like arm() and disarm() or something similar to the offboard_control.cpp?
Best wishes,
Hi and sorry for the delayed response.
Main result : no response from the rb5
Comments: the offboard code example in cpp is running in Gazebo but I cannot get the drone to arm via ROS2 run px4_ros_com offboard_control.
This is the output from my terminal
~/ros2_ws$ ros2 run px4_ros_com offboard_control
Starting offboard control node...
[INFO] [1729601421.989530505] [offboard_control]: Arm command send
Notes: The offboard setting is "off" not "false" on the voxl-vision-hub.conf.
Do you have a recent tutorial on how to use ROS2 with the rb5?
Best wishes,
Hi Tom,
I have downloaded the src files from
Then I build with colcon build
The command "ros2 run voxl_offboard_figure8 voxl_offboard_figure8 " outputs the following while the rb5 is not responding at all
[INFO] [1727710160.087447748] [offboard_figure8_node]: Offboard Figure 8 Node Alive!
[INFO] [1727710161.215068375] [offboard_figure8_node]: Switching to offboard mode
[INFO] [1727710161.225198835] [offboard_figure8_node]: Arm command sent
[INFO] [1727710170.118029165] [offboard_figure8_node]: Doing figure 8 now
[INFO] [1727710183.178457539] [offboard_figure8_node]: Switching to land mode
Can someone update the short introduction to ROS2 usage with the rb5? Please.
@tahawaru said in Issue with ROS2 set-up, Deserialization of UORB Topics:
I'm having a similar error from running a ros2 command
rb5:~/colcon_ws$ ros2 run voxl_offboard_figure8 voxl_offboard_figure8
[INFO] [1723134293.283379373] [offboard_figure8_node]: Offboard Figure 8 Node Alive!
2024-08-08 16:24:53.442 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:24:53.950 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
[INFO] [1723134294.428290964] [offboard_figure8_node]: Switching to offboard mode
[INFO] [1723134294.428816835] [offboard_figure8_node]: Arm command sent
2024-08-08 16:24:54.452 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:24:54.951 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:24:55.452 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:24:55.961 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:24:56.461 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:24:56.971 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:24:57.482 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:24:57.988 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:24:58.488 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:24:58.998 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:24:59.507 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:25:00.016 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:25:00.528 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_changeMy Rb5 specs:
rb5:~/colcon_ws$ voxl-versionsystem-image: 1.7.1-M0052-14.1a-perf-nightly-20231025
kernel: #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Oct 26 05:24:02 UTC 2023 4.19.125hw version: M0052
Repo: ./dists/qrb5165/sdk-1.1/binary-arm64/
Last Updated: 2024-07-19 09:01:43
libmodal-cv 0.4.0
libmodal-exposure 0.1.0
libmodal-journal 0.2.2
libmodal-json 0.4.3
libmodal-pipe 2.9.2
libqrb5165-io 0.4.2
libvoxl-cci-direct 0.2.1
libvoxl-cutils 0.1.1
mv-voxl 0.1-r0
qrb5165-bind 0.1-r0
voxl-mavlink 0.1.1
voxl-mavlink-server 1.3.2
voxl-microdds-agent 2.4.1-0
voxl-modem 1.0.8
voxl-mongoose 7.7.0-1
voxl-mpa-to-ros 0.3.7
voxl-mpa-to-ros2 0.0.4
voxl-mpa-tools 1.1.3
voxl-neopixel-manager 0.0.3
voxl-opencv 4.5.5-2
voxl-portal 0.6.3
voxl-px4 1.14.0-2.0.63
voxl-px4-imu-server 0.1.2
voxl-px4-params 0.3.3
voxl-qvio-server 1.0.0
voxl-remote-id 0.0.9
voxl-ros2-foxy 0.0.1
voxl-streamer 0.7.4
voxl-tag-detector 0.0.4
voxl-tflite-server 0.3.1
voxl-utils 1.3.3
voxl-uvc-server 0.1.6
voxl-vision-hub 1.7.3There is no response from the drone.
I used the docker to build the ROS2 package following the instructions here roughly 2 months ago:
*****voxl-mpa-to-ros2$ docker load -i qrb5165-emulator-v1.5.tar.gz
voxl-mpa-to-ros2$ docker tag qrb5165-emulator:1.5 qrb5165-emulator:latest
voxl-mpa-to-ros2$ voxl-docker -i qrb5165-emulator
qrb5165-emulator:~(master)(0.0.4)$ ./ qrb5165 dev
qrb5165-emulator:~(master)(0.0.4)$ ./ qrb5165
qrb5165-emulator:~(master)(0.0.4)$ ./*****
I installed the build on the rb5:
*****rb5:/$ cd home/root/
rb5:~$ dpkg -i voxl-mpa-to-ros2_0.0.4_arm64.deb
rb5:~$ voxl-configure-mpa-to-ros2
rb5:~$ source /opt/ros/foxy/mpa_to_ros2/install/setup.bash
rb5:~$ ros2 topic list
rb5:~$ source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
rb5:~$ ros2 run voxl_mpa_to_ros2 voxl_mpa_to_ros2_node*****
---------------------------------After restart of the RB5
rb5:~$ ros2 run voxl_mpa_to_ros2 voxl_mpa_to_ros2_node
Found new interface: hires_large_color
Found new interface: hires_large_encoded
Found new interface: hires_large_grey
Found new interface: hires_small_color
Found new interface: hires_small_encoded
Found new interface: hires_small_grey
Found new interface: hires_snapshot
Found new interface: qvio_overlay
Found new interface: stereo
Found new interface: tracking
Found new interface: imu_px4
Found new interface: voa_pc_out
Found new interface: vvhub_body_wrt_fixed
Found new interface: vvhub_body_wrt_local
Found new interface: qvio
I have the following on my .bashrc :
export ROS_HOME=/opt/ros/foxy
source /opt/ros/foxy/local_setup.bash
source /opt/ros/foxy/mpa_to_ros2/install/setup.bash
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
And the voxl-inspect-cam -a is as follows:
I'm recording with the ros2 bag record the topics I get from running
rb5:~$ ros2 run voxl_mpa_to_ros2 voxl_mpa_to_ros2_node
On a different terminal I run
rb5:~/ROS2_recordings$ ros2 bag record /hires_small_encoded
then on the first terminal, I get
rb5:~$ ros2 run voxl_mpa_to_ros2 voxl_mpa_to_ros2_node
Found new interface: hires_large_color
Found new interface: hires_large_encoded
Found new interface: hires_large_grey
Found new interface: hires_small_color
Found new interface: hires_small_encoded
Found new interface: hires_small_grey
Found new interface: hires_snapshot
Found new interface: qvio_overlay
Found new interface: stereo_front
Found new interface: stereo_rear
Found new interface: tracking
Found new interface: imu_px4
Found new interface: voa_pc_out
Found new interface: vvhub_body_wrt_fixed
Found new interface: vvhub_body_wrt_local
Found new interface: qvio
Interface hires_small_encoded now publishing
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
what(): std::bad_alloc
Any help on this?
I'm having a similar error from running a ros2 command
rb5:~/colcon_ws$ ros2 run voxl_offboard_figure8 voxl_offboard_figure8
[INFO] [1723134293.283379373] [offboard_figure8_node]: Offboard Figure 8 Node Alive!
2024-08-08 16:24:53.442 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:24:53.950 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
[INFO] [1723134294.428290964] [offboard_figure8_node]: Switching to offboard mode
[INFO] [1723134294.428816835] [offboard_figure8_node]: Arm command sent
2024-08-08 16:24:54.452 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:24:54.951 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:24:55.452 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:24:55.961 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:24:56.461 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:24:56.971 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:24:57.482 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:24:57.988 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:24:58.488 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:24:58.998 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:24:59.507 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:25:00.016 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
2024-08-08 16:25:00.528 [SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed -> Function deserialize_change
Repo: ./dists/qrb5165/sdk-1.1/binary-arm64/
Last Updated: 2024-07-19 09:01:43
libmodal-cv 0.4.0
libmodal-exposure 0.1.0
libmodal-journal 0.2.2
libmodal-json 0.4.3
libmodal-pipe 2.9.2
libqrb5165-io 0.4.2
libvoxl-cci-direct 0.2.1
libvoxl-cutils 0.1.1
mv-voxl 0.1-r0
qrb5165-bind 0.1-r0
voxl-mavlink 0.1.1
voxl-mavlink-server 1.3.2
voxl-microdds-agent 2.4.1-0
voxl-modem 1.0.8
voxl-mongoose 7.7.0-1
voxl-mpa-to-ros 0.3.7
voxl-mpa-to-ros2 0.0.4
voxl-mpa-tools 1.1.3
voxl-neopixel-manager 0.0.3
voxl-opencv 4.5.5-2
voxl-portal 0.6.3
voxl-px4 1.14.0-2.0.63
voxl-px4-imu-server 0.1.2
voxl-px4-params 0.3.3
voxl-qvio-server 1.0.0
voxl-remote-id 0.0.9
voxl-ros2-foxy 0.0.1
voxl-streamer 0.7.4
voxl-tag-detector 0.0.4
voxl-tflite-server 0.3.1
voxl-utils 1.3.3
voxl-uvc-server 0.1.6
voxl-vision-hub 1.7.3
There is no response from the drone.
I'm following this content
After sourcing, and getting the "no executables found" error, I tried
rb5:~/colcon_ws$ ros2 pkg executables px4_ros_com
px4_ros_com debug_vect_advertiser
px4_ros_com offboard_control
px4_ros_com sensor_combined_listener
px4_ros_com vehicle_gps_position_listener
Still getting the same issue
rb5:~/colcon_ws$ ros2 run px4_ros_com px4_ros_com
No executable found
this is the git log output:
commit 96b951b7cf91cda315536037677ca0f7a7ef93b5 (HEAD -> dev, origin/dev)
Author: Eric Katzfey
Date: Wed Jul 10 17:40:54 2024 -0700
Updated to 1.14.0-2.0.78 firmware
commit a99bf3ac158e5dff767cdbfe40ee62f1937cf49c (tag: v1.14.0-2.0.77, tag: sdk-1.3.1, origin/master, origin/gpio-ctl, origin/HEAD, master)
Author: Eric Katzfey
Date: Wed Jun 5 16:52:13 2024 -0700
Updated to 1.14.0-2.0.77 firmware
commit 41432f2cbf334c7cd8dcb096e6b0d53649aa229d
Author: Eric Katzfey
Date: Thu May 30 11:04:03 2024 -0700
Updated to 1.14.0-2.0.76 firmware
commit bf8fd8c2a8187ba96572b6c5e87b2ca437ae7c90
Author: Eric Katzfey
Date: Tue May 28 19:55:03 2024 -0700
Updated to 1.14.0-2.0.75 firmware
commit 05633367a60e27be224228979687b82e4d70ee6d
Author: Eric Katzfey
Date: Thu May 23 10:38:06 2024 -0700
- Updated to 1.14.0-2.0.74 firmware
- Added new ARTIFACT_MODE configuration item
commit a8a74cf7524f84997353c1740701d1ebd198ff4c (tag: v1.14.0-2.0.73, tag: sdk-1.3.0)
Author: Eric Katzfey
Date: Mon May 6 17:24:05 2024 -0700
Updated to 1.14.0-2.0.73 firmware
commit 18390fc1809199050d7f1075f753676718807ea8
Author: Eric Katzfey
Date: Fri May 3 10:09:15 2024 -0700
Removed package command related to voxl-px4-set-default-parameters.config
commit 2a76d2027f981405e736bfef1a26a82589638f44
Author: Eric Katzfey
Date: Fri May 3 09:58:02 2024 -0700
Updated package dependency list and release documentation
commit e35422dd8ee04da5adf710dd37aab4d24fe9125e
Author: Eric Katzfey
Date: Fri May 3 09:50:32 2024 -0700
Updated to 1.14.0-2.0.72 firmware
commit ed9451173b2a4de183ab1e1c8308780e05c056dc
Author: Eric Katzfey
Date: Tue Apr 16 12:52:21 2024 -0700
Updated to 1.14.0-2.0.70 firmware
commit 478a3c0a2726abb57187c3039d4576294edd42f4
Author: Eric Katzfey
Date: Tue Feb 6 12:55:10 2024 -0800
Updated to 1.14.0-2.0.69 firmware
commit 486f57c0cc6fd3026eb3cabe7fbfeb4214caefaa (tag: v1.14.0-2.0.68, tag: sdk-1.2.0)
Author: Eric Katzfey
Date: Thu Jan 18 16:13:44 2024 -0800
Updated to 1.14.0-2.0.68 firmware
commit f690d9c7389fb3d002efd68443707988171d8ac7
Author: Eric Katzfey
Date: Thu Jan 18 14:52:53 2024 -0800
Updated to 1.14.0-2.0.67 firmware
commit 6df44c7fc276ff1f03e21dcace4f3f634ff1f1e3
Author: Eric Katzfey
Date: Mon Jan 15 09:54:48 2024 -0800
Updated to 1.14.0-2.0.66 firmware
commit 4233c76f61db535aefe264f418558cecc0e0f24c
Author: Eric Katzfey
Date: Mon Jan 8 10:36:48 2024 -0800
Updated to 1.14.0-2.0.65 firmware
commit 7c7b648018c33647476308d406ef2e5acaa858f3
Author: Eric Katzfey
Date: Tue Dec 19 11:17:57 2023 -0800
Fixes to 1.14.0-2.0.64 firmware
commit a6d8319122470c89c942fbc0c6ffba492d3441f9
Author: Eric Katzfey
Date: Tue Dec 19 09:44:33 2023 -0800
Updated to 1.14.0-2.0.64 firmware
I'm following the tutorial at
I dont get the 's' for 'px4_ros_coms'.
Instead, I have 'px4_ros_com' which doesn't have an executable. So I get:
rb5:~/colcon_ws$ ros2 run px4_ros_com px4_ros_com
No executable found
Any help on this is welcome.
Many thanks.
Here is what I could find as a serial numbers on 2 Rb5s:
Do you need all other numbers?
We have 7 of them in the lab.
Best wishes,
Hi Tom,
Someone in our team did the upgrade to our fleet of RB5 without backing up the camera calibration file.
Please could you send us your backup files, and default parameters if possible.
Or the link where to get them if available in Gitlab.
Best wishes,
Massa Ndong