Offboard mode and ROS2 with Rb5
I have the following rb5:system-image: 1.7.1-M0052-14.1a-perf-nightly-20231025
kernel: #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Oct 26 05:24:02 UTC 2023 4.19.125hw version: M0052
voxl-suite: 1.1.2
current IP: wlan0:
Issue: When I run ros2 for figure 8 , I get the following output but the rb5 is not doing figure 8
rb5:~$ ros2 run voxl_offboard_figure8 voxl_offboard_figure8
[INFO] [1736938771.880330404] [offboard_figure8_node]: Offboard Figure 8 Node Alive!
[INFO] [1736938773.006198000] [offboard_figure8_node]: Switching to offboard mode
[INFO] [1736938773.010869569] [offboard_figure8_node]: Arm command sent
[INFO] [1736938781.907197594] [offboard_figure8_node]: Doing figure 8 now
[INFO] [1736938794.961756257] [offboard_figure8_node]: Switching to land modeAny help on this is greatly appreciated.
Best wishes,
@tahawaru just to confirm you have turned off figure 8 offboard mode in voxl-vision-hub? Also does the drone arm when stating "drone arming" - lastly, do you have the dds agent running on the voxl2? There is a part of me that is nervous since you are running this on the rb5 and not a voxl2 that the px4 instance on there is quite stale and doesnt have the dds CLIENT sitting in the executable script. take a look at
and check if there is reference to the dds client.Zach
offboard mode:
The drone does NOT arm from the ROS2 command but it can be armed with the RC
3)rb5:~$ voxl-inspect-services
Scanning services...
Best wishes,