How to build-compile FOXY ROS2 packages and nodes for RB5
I have the following Rb5:
system-image: 1.7.1-M0052-14.1a-perf-nightly-20231025
kernel: #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Oct 26 05:24:02 UTC 2023 4.19.125hw version: M0052
voxl-suite: 1.1.2
current IP: wlan0:
How to build-compile FOXY ROS2 packages and nodes for this RB5 ?
What kind of environment can be used to run colcon build to get ROS2 packages and nodes for the Rb5?Thanks!
@tahawaru Not sure if your use case allows this but we typically build off the arm64v8/ros:foxy docker image when writing ROS nodes on the voxl.