Arming VOXL, but motors won't spin up
I have a VOXL 2 with the m0134_6 ESC that @Alex-Kushleyev has been helping me tune for low kV motors. In the process, I updated the ESC to a new firmware that changed the baud rate from 250000 to 200000. I updated the params for the vehicle in QGC, but now I can arm the VOXL 2, but it won't spin the motors at all and there aren't any errors that I can see.
I can still voxl-esc scan / spin / etc. without any issues.
Any ideas?
@Matthew-Wellner , the baud rate is 2000000 (2Mbit), not 200K, can you please double check your PX4 params?
Also, some helpful commands:
px4-listener esc_status
this will print out the esc_status message, which the ESC driver should be sending out
Also, if you run voxl-px4 in foreground
systemctl stop voxl-px4 voxl-px4 -d
then you can open another terminal / adb and run:
px4-qshell voxl_esc status
this will print status of voxl esc driver and the params (in the window where voxl-px4 -d is running)
@Alex-Kushleyev I may be experiencing the same issue. I will tag along here.
@Eric-Katzfey I responded in our thread about the spectrum error thinking this might be linked to it, but this is very similar to what I am seeing. So it could be a linked to this instead.
@Alex-Kushleyev This is the results I get from running
px4-listener esc_status
and capturing the results of runningpx4-qshell voxl_esc status
.voxl2:/$ px4-listener esc_status TOPIC: esc_status esc_status timestamp: 28243762 (0.002512 seconds ago) counter: 12602 esc_count: 4 esc_connectiontype: 1 esc_online_flags: 15 (0b1111) esc_armed_flags: 15 (0b1111) esc[0] (esc_report): timestamp: 28241456 (0.005087 seconds ago) esc_errorcount: 0 esc_rpm: 0 esc_voltage: 24.03100 esc_current: -0.05600 esc_temperature: 31.00000 failures: 0 esc_address: 3 esc_cmdcount: 56 esc_state: 0 actuator_function: 0 esc_power: 0 esc[1] (esc_report): timestamp: 28242530 (0.004309 seconds ago) esc_errorcount: 0 esc_rpm: 0 esc_voltage: 24.03000 esc_current: -0.01600 esc_temperature: 30.00000 failures: 0 esc_address: 2 esc_cmdcount: 57 esc_state: 0 actuator_function: 0 esc_power: 0 esc[2] (esc_report): timestamp: 28243762 (0.003363 seconds ago) esc_errorcount: 0 esc_rpm: 0 esc_voltage: 24.03300 esc_current: -0.05600 esc_temperature: 30.00000 failures: 0 esc_address: 4 esc_cmdcount: 58 esc_state: 0 actuator_function: 0 esc_power: 0 esc[3] (esc_report): timestamp: 28240673 (0.006735 seconds ago) esc_errorcount: 0 esc_rpm: 0 esc_voltage: 24.01200 esc_current: -0.02400 esc_temperature: 30.00000 failures: 0 esc_address: 1 esc_cmdcount: 55 esc_state: 0 actuator_function: 0 esc_power: 0 esc[4] (esc_report): timestamp: 0 esc_errorcount: 0 esc_rpm: 0 esc_voltage: 0.00000 esc_current: 0.00000 esc_temperature: 0.00000 failures: 0 esc_address: 0 esc_cmdcount: 0 esc_state: 0 actuator_function: 0 esc_power: 0 esc[5] (esc_report): timestamp: 0 esc_errorcount: 0 esc_rpm: 0 esc_voltage: 0.00000 esc_current: 0.00000 esc_temperature: 0.00000 failures: 0 esc_address: 0 esc_cmdcount: 0 esc_state: 0 actuator_function: 0 esc_power: 0 esc[6] (esc_report): timestamp: 0 esc_errorcount: 0 esc_rpm: 0 esc_voltage: 0.00000 esc_current: 0.00000 esc_temperature: 0.00000 failures: 0 esc_address: 0 esc_cmdcount: 0 esc_state: 0 actuator_function: 0 esc_power: 0 esc[7] (esc_report): timestamp: 0 esc_errorcount: 0 esc_rpm: 0 esc_voltage: 0.00000 esc_current: 0.00000 esc_temperature: 0.00000 failures: 0 esc_address: 0 esc_cmdcount: 0 esc_state: 0 actuator_function: 0 esc_power: 0
INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: voxl_esc status INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg0 = 'voxl_esc' INFO [muorb] SLPI: arg1 = 'status' INFO [muorb] SLPI: Max update rate: 0 Hz INFO [muorb] SLPI: Outputs on: no INFO [muorb] SLPI: UART port: 2 INFO [muorb] SLPI: UART open: yes INFO [muorb] SLPI: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Params: VOXL_ESC_CONFIG: 1 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Params: VOXL_ESC_BAUD: 2000000 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Params: VOXL_ESC_FUNC1: 103 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Params: VOXL_ESC_FUNC2: 102 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Params: VOXL_ESC_FUNC3: 104 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Params: VOXL_ESC_FUNC4: 101 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Params: VOXL_ESC_SDIR1: 0 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Params: VOXL_ESC_SDIR2: 0 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Params: VOXL_ESC_SDIR3: 0 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Params: VOXL_ESC_SDIR4: 0 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Params: VOXL_ESC_RPM_MIN: 700 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Params: VOXL_ESC_RPM_MAX: 8000 INFO [muorb] SLPI: INFO [muorb] SLPI: -- ID: 0 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Motor: 3 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Direction: 1 INFO [muorb] SLPI: State: 0 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Requested: 0 RPM INFO [muorb] SLPI: Measured: 0 RPM INFO [muorb] SLPI: Command Counter: 137 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Voltage: 24.010000 VDC INFO [muorb] SLPI: INFO [muorb] SLPI: -- ID: 1 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Motor: 2 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Direction: 1 INFO [muorb] SLPI: State: 0 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Requested: 0 RPM INFO [muorb] SLPI: Measured: 0 RPM INFO [muorb] SLPI: Command Counter: 138 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Voltage: 24.028002 VDC INFO [muorb] SLPI: INFO [muorb] SLPI: -- ID: 2 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Motor: 4 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Direction: 1 INFO [muorb] SLPI: State: 0 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Requested: 0 RPM INFO [muorb] SLPI: Measured: 0 RPM INFO [muorb] SLPI: Command Counter: 139 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Voltage: 24.020000 VDC INFO [muorb] SLPI: INFO [muorb] SLPI: -- ID: 3 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Motor: 1 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Direction: 1 INFO [muorb] SLPI: State: 0 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Requested: 0 RPM INFO [muorb] SLPI: Measured: 0 RPM INFO [muorb] SLPI: Command Counter: 136 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Voltage: 24.010000 VDC INFO [muorb] SLPI: INFO [muorb] SLPI: voxl_esc: cycle: 44256 events, 37887531us elapsed, 856.10us avg, min 64us max 2164us 318. INFO [muorb] SLPI: voxl_esc: output update interval: 44255 events, 1271.43us avg, min 196us max 50628us 1397 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Param prefix: VOXL_ESC INFO [muorb] SLPI: control latency: 44218 events, 60898443us elapsed, 1377.23us avg, min 314us max 3288us 48 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Switched to rate_ctrl work queue INFO [muorb] SLPI: Channel Configuration: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Channel 0: func: 103, value: 0, failsafe: 0, disarmed: 0, min: 700, max: 8000 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Channel 1: func: 102, value: 0, failsafe: 0, disarmed: 0, min: 700, max: 8000 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Channel 2: func: 104, value: 0, failsafe: 0, disarmed: 0, min: 700, max: 8000 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Channel 3: func: 101, value: 0, failsafe: 0, disarmed: 0, min: 700, max: 8000 INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: voxl_esc status
@Chase-Riley, your output indicates that the ESC driver in PX4 is communicating with the ESC, I do not see any issue with that!
@Alex-Kushleyev Not sure what happened but you are correct it is functioning now.
When I run and the motors don't spin up here is what your second set of commands gives me:
I also watched as px4 started up and it looks like the process fails to open the port for the ESC (see the red after the voxl_esc start command) -
@Matthew-Wellner your ESC baud rate in PX4 params is 200,000 , not 2,000,000 which is most likely the issue.
the failure to open the UART port is most likely due to unsupported baud rate (200,000) instead of desired baud rate (2,000,000)
@Alex-Kushleyev - Thanks again. You were right and that was all I needed to change. Sorry!
@Matthew-Wellner , no worries! I am glad you got that part working.
@Alex-Kushleyev I had a similar issue and this helped a lot. thanks.