Thank you. OK, here is the big difference that is most likely the reason for your behavior. In your new params you used kp, ki, max_kpe, max_kpi terms set to zero, but old params have nonzero:
<param name="kp" value="130"/> <!-- RPM controller proportional gain -->
<param name="ki" value="30"/> <!-- RPM controller proportional gain -->
<param name="max_kpe" value="300"/> <!-- maximum proportional erorr term (max is 999) -->
<param name="max_kie" value="100"/> <!-- maximum integral error term (max is 999) -->
<param name="max_rpm_delta" value="1200"/> <!-- cap for maximum rpm error used in RPM controller -->
Considering that you have not calibrated the ESC for your motor and propeller (meaning that the feed-forward term in the RPM controller is wrong), if you also disable the feedback terms of the RPM controller (kp, ki) then the behavior of the ESC will be completely off from what is desired. Even with incorrect feed forward term (pwm_vs_rpm_curve terms), if feedback terms are enabled, they can compensate, to some degree, but with the feedback terms set to zero, there is no hope for the ESC to turn the motor at the desired speed.
You can keep using the old firmware and params if that works for you, but if you wanted to switch to latest ESC firmware and params, then i suggest trying to use the same non-zero RPM controller params.