VOXL m500 unable to switch to position mode
I am using voxl 1 m500 drone, my sdk version is 0.9.4 with px4 params of v1.13. Everytime I try to switch parameters it shows this error. The drone is supposed to fly indoors with vio
I have checked voxl-inspect-qvio and the drone position gets updated, voxl-vision-px4 is also working, I am not sure why this is happening
This is the detailed px4 log
[21:20:14.439] Critical: Switching to mode 'Position control' is currently not possible
Check for a valid position estimate
[21:26:42.534] Critical: Switching to mode 'Position control' is currently not possible
Check for a valid position estimate -
@Darshit-Desai You'll need to be on the latest SDK 1.1.2 with the included PX4 1.14 build before we can help.
That SDK version is over a year old at this point and countless improvements have been made
@tom Yes since the 1.1.x update isn't working (https://forum.modalai.com/topic/3068/m500-voxl-flight-sdk-update-to-v1-1-x/3), I tried to restore this last night in a desperate effort to make the drone fly again, but this also didn't work it seems,
@Darshit-Desai what do you have set for ekf2_aid_mask. The fact that you cannot go into position mode means something is barring you from moving into position mode, aka a specific parameter. If your QVIO quality is good, then a parameter in your PX4 isntance is off.