USB2.0 to Ethernet
I want to use the USB2.0 port on the expansion board to route ethernet. This sort of works in our current setup, but when pinging it randomly stops and says "Request timed out" after that it continues pinging fine until another "Request timed out". I've tried another device instead of the VOXL and that works perfectly with the same setup.
Anyone knows what could be causing an issue?
@Rowin-Leemeijer Which Ethernet dongle are you using?
@Eric-Katzfey That works, thanks. Are you guys testing any alternatives? As it seems the apple adapter is not widely available anymore.
@Rowin-Leemeijer We've also used these
The ones I linked or did you mean other ones? @tom
@Rowin-Leemeijer Oops forgot to stop the link: