ROS2 bag /qvio
Hi! I'm using ros2 bag for a project. For now I have successfully recevied and used Imu, image and pointcloud data. Because inaccuracy of imu I would like to use qvio data.
Is there way of ros2 bag recording qvio?/qvio topic publish 2 different messages - PoseStamped and odometry I haven't found any working command for recording qvio. Is there any? I would prefer PoseStamped.
@Aapo_Rei Hi Aapo, all of the source code is open so folks can extend to suit their needs. We're happy to take merge requests. You could start by looking here:
@Moderator said in ROS2 bag /qvio:
@Aapo_Rei Hi Aapo, all of the source code is open so folks can extend to suit their needs. We're happy to take merge requests. You could start by looking here:
@Aapo_Rei I am a bit confused by your question as qvio technically is a position in space or a combination or PoseStamped and Odometry - so what exactly are you trying to record from qvio that is not in the ros2 message?
@Zachary-Lowell-0 Thanks for the reply!
I ment that I can't record qvio data same way as the other msgs. Trying to record qvio gives me error code like below.Still the data can be view like this "ros2 topic echo /qvio geometry_msgs/msg/PoseStamped" And I thought you cloud record this same data, but haven't found a way.
My question is - is there working way to record ros2 bag for qvio and what is it? I'm asking before I start making ros2 node for that.