@ashwin Interesting, can you post the output of the failure you're seeing when you attempt to flash the board via. QDL?

Posts made by tom
RE: VOXL2 Board Not Detected on ADB
RE: unbrick proceedure not finding flat build
@claw Not at this time as ROS2 takes up a lot of space so we don't include it by default
RE: VOXL2 Board Not Detected on ADB
@ashwin Okay so it is enumerating into a bricked state as expected. If you switch
to on and repeat the same test what do you see? -
RE: No Docker support on VOXL2
@MikeD Docker is not installed by default, but you can follow the ubuntu install instructions on VOXL2:https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/
RE: M0062 VOXL 2 Ethernet Expansion and USB Hub Missing User Guide
@Morten-Nissov Likely should all be off, it's been a while since I've had one of these come across my desk. I'll see if I can find one to reference.
RE: VOXL2 Board Not Detected on ADB
@ashwin What do you see if you run
dmesg -wH
and then power and plug in the board via USB -
RE: Not connecting to QGC after flashing the Rb5
@tahawaru You should select
RE: Cannot open RTSP stream from `tof_depth` camera
@griffin Are you able to view the tof data in voxl-portal?
RE: Starling 2 Max Propellers
@ramp Yes you could still do HITL with a starling 2 max, would just require unplugging the ESC from the VOXL 2 and using that connector
RE: VOXL-2 Drone M0054-2 Boot Issue After C26 Camera Update
@antenna-eng What hardware do you have connected to the VOXL 2 board? Cameras etc.
RE: Factory reset Starling 2
@LR I would recommend upgrading to the newly released SDK 1.4.1 from downloads.modalai.com
Simply, download, untar, and run
It'll retain any important calibration files and will re-configure the drone based off the SKU
RE: ADB device not recognized (Staling2)
@tom It always preferable to run linux natively to avoid issues like this
RE: ADB device not recognized (Staling2)
@Taka It doesn't seem as though the USB device is being passed from your host machine to your VM, that's likely something that needs to be configured manually via your VM software
RE: Dual Tracking qvio
@tkddnjs825 Nope, if you run through
it'll get everything setup as necessary -
RE: Where to see fprintf messages coming from voxl-tflite-server?
@arcj Try
voxl-tflite-server -d
RE: 5GHz mode on ALFA dongle and change beacon freq
@RSAUser1 It's not something I've tried, but I assume it would work in the same way you would do it on another Ubuntu 18.04 device.
RE: Dual Tracking qvio
@tkddnjs825 QVIO can only do single cam VIO.
If you upgrade to SDK 1.4.0 it will use voxl-open-vins-server for VIO by default, which will use dual-cam
RE: Where to see fprintf messages coming from voxl-tflite-server?
@arcj voxl-tflite-server is likely running as a systemd service.
For debugging purposes I would disable it from running on boot with the following:
systemctl disable voxl-tflite-server
and also kill it
systemctl stop voxl-tflite-server
then run
from the command line to monitor the output -
RE: 5GHz mode on ALFA dongle and change beacon freq
@RSAUser1 If you upgrade to the latest SDK (1.4.0) you'll see a new option in
which will create a 5GHz network -
RE: Timeline for open-vins documentation
@dlee We publish "nightly" SDK builds at https://storage.googleapis.com/platform-nightlies/voxl2/voxl2_SDK_nightly_20250213.tar.gz (URL will match yesterday's date, PST)
This takes the latest of each repo's dev branch as well as the latest system image built every night