@GlennTee What do you see when you run ros2 topic list?
Have you run "apt-get install voxl-ros2-foxy && apt-get install voxl-mpa-to-ros2" followed by "voxl-configure-mpa-to-ros2".
@GlennTee What do you see when you run ros2 topic list?
Have you run "apt-get install voxl-ros2-foxy && apt-get install voxl-mpa-to-ros2" followed by "voxl-configure-mpa-to-ros2".
@GlennTee So that example requires you have the MicroDDS installed and running to communicate with PX4 (guide here).
Alternatively, you can run offboard commands via mavsdk (example here). If you do it this way, make sure to edit that example to connect on port 14551 and set en_localhost_mavlink_udp to true in 'etc/modalai/voxl-vision-hub.conf'.
Let me know if that helps.
@teddy-zaremba EV_CTRL changed from 15 in 1.15 and earlier to 0 in 1.16. Either check this parameter is set to 15 or run "voxl-configure-px4-params -p MRB-D0006" for Starling V1 or "voxl-configure-px4-params -p MRB-D0005-V2" for Starling V2.
When you upgrade between PX4 ver. 1.14 or 1.15 to 1.16 the vehicle doesn't get a valid local position.
@VSK said in Stuck installing ros-melodic-pcl-conversions:
configure python-twisted-core:all 17.9.0-2ubuntu0.3 <none>
status half-configured python-twisted-core:all 17.9.0-2ubuntu0.3
Maybe that package got corrupted on the install. Can you try running sudo apt-get clean?
If that doesn't work, you could also try removing both of the packages and do the install again.
$ sudo apt remove python-twisted-core:all
$ sudo apt remove ros-melodic-pcl-ros ros-melodic-pcl-conversions
Hi @Ansel-Misfeldt we're able to get our SBUS radios talking on 1.14 and 1.15.
Could you verify that your radios are bound and that you have the following parameters set on PX4?
Also if you could verify your wiring is setup correctly. RED (power), BLACK (ground), YELLOW SBus RX:
Hi @Karl-pan. There was a big refactor done on voxl-tflite-server not too long ago. Would you be able to test this on the dev branch?
Also please share your /etc/modalai/voxl-tflite-server.conf. I found a bug where the model path wasn't getting updated for custom models. I just made a PR to fix this, but you can manually edit it until that gets merged in.
Lastly, I'm not getting any seg fault with my custom models so if you're able to share an example model that could help narrow it down to the way you're exporting it.
Hi @Mohammad-Goli, it seems like something on your VOXL is prematurely closing the file descriptor attached to the process that lists the pipes - I'm not sure what that is. I'm also not getting any errors with libyaml-cpp so that could be part of the problem. I'm running on SDK version 1.3.5, so I if were you I'd re-flash your VOXL and try the install again.
Sorry I couldn't recreate your issue. If you're still having a problem after re-flashing, let me know what SDK you tried and I'll give it a shot on my end.
Hi @Gary-Holmgren. This is likely because you're running the build script from an x86 system (docker requires that you build on the same architecture as the base image, in this case arm64). You can solve that by cloning the repo onto the voxl and running build.sh from there.
Note: make sure your voxl has a wifi connection before running ./build.sh.
Thanks for the tip @Chase-Riley. Unfortunately, we tried udp_mtu with values equal to 200, 300, 500, 600, 1000, and 2000 on voxl sdk 1.1.2 with no luck. We also tried with antennas attenuators and testing distances up to 10m.