Voxl2 Docker (Ubuntu 22) with OpenCL/Adreno
Quick update, I did some testing and tried searching documentation and could not get it to work. There are posts online asking Qualcomm whether this is possible, but there is no response there.
I know this would be a useful feature and I will try again next week. I want to see how this worked on VOXL1 and perhaps I am missing something.
In my test, I am also just doing a simple device query and it works on the host VOXL2 but not inside docker, tried mapping various .so libraries and devices to the docker container and no luck yet.
@Alex-Kushleyev That aligns pretty well with my own experience so far. Thanks again for looking into this!
@eric I was able to get the GPU device query inside ubuntu 22.04 docker working using the following steps. It is possible that we can reduce the number of mapped devices and libraries to the docker container, but i am just going to give you this information right now so you can test. I will try to clean this up a bit later. I only tried the device query for now, but i figured i would let you know that there is progress..
#run docker docker run -it --rm --privileged --device=/dev/kgsl-3d0 --device=/dev/ion -v /proc:/proc -v /firmware/image:/firmware/image -v /lib/firmware:/lib/firmware -v /sys/class:/sys/class -v /sys/bus:/sys/bus -v /sys/devices:/sys/devices -v /data:/data -v /usr/lib/liblog.so.0:/usr/lib/liblog.so.0 -v /usr/lib/libOpenCL.so:/usr/lib/libOpenCL.so -v /usr/lib/libcutils.so.0:/usr/lib/libcutils.so.0 -v /usr/lib/libllvm-qcom.so:/usr/lib/libllvm-qcom.so -v /usr/lib/libion.so.0.0.0:/usr/lib/libion.so.0.0.0 -v /usr/lib/libsync.so.0.0.0:/usr/lib/libsync.so.0.0.0 -v /usr/lib/libgsl.so:/usr/lib/libgsl.so -v /usr/lib/libCB.so:/usr/lib/libCB.so -v /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0.5600.4:/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0.5600.4 -v `pwd`:/opt/code -w /opt/code arm64v8/ubuntu:22.04 bash
apt-get update apt install --no-install-recommends -y pocl-opencl-icd
then run your test app to query the device..
OK, a little more clean-up, it seems this is the minimal set of libraries /devices needed:
docker run -it --rm --privileged \ -v /usr/lib/libOpenCL.so:/usr/lib/libOpenCL.so \ -v /usr/lib/libCB.so:/usr/lib/libCB.so \ -v /usr/lib/libgsl.so:/usr/lib/libgsl.so \ -v /usr/lib/liblog.so.0:/usr/lib/liblog.so.0 \ -v /usr/lib/libcutils.so.0:/usr/lib/libcutils.so.0 \ -v /usr/lib/libsync.so.0.0.0:/usr/lib/libsync.so.0.0.0 \ -v /usr/lib/libion.so.0.0.0:/usr/lib/libion.so.0.0.0 \ -v /usr/lib/libllvm-qcom.so:/usr/lib/libllvm-qcom.so \ -v /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0.5600.4:/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0.5600.4 \ -v `pwd`:/opt/code -w /opt/code \ arm64v8/ubuntu:22.04 bash
mode maps all the needed devices to the docker container)Then install some more packages (not sure if this can be reduced, not clear exactly what is missing):
apt-get update apt install --no-install-recommends -y pocl-opencl-icd
Maybe we can figure out what lib is still missing so that
does not have to be installed.. At least the issue was the a missing library, not a mapped deviceFor testing, I used a device query script from here:
root@733a6d4d5fdb:/opt/code# ./simple_query 1. Device: QUALCOMM Adreno(TM) 1.1 Hardware version: OpenCL 2.0 Adreno(TM) 650 1.2 Software version: OpenCL 2.0 QUALCOMM build: commit # changeid # Date: 11/10/21 Wed Local Branch: Remote Branch: Compiler E031.37.12.01 1.3 OpenCL C version: OpenCL C 2.0 Adreno(TM) 650 1.4 Parallel compute units: 3
I also verified that a simple matrix multiplication app also worked (not provided here)
@eric , can you please let me know if this works for you?
I was able to extract all these libraries from the host and directly install them inside the docker, and now the pcol-opencl-icd installation isn't needed.
This is really important for us, since it allows us to build external dependencies that rely on OpenCL in our pipeline directly without bind mounts (outside the host environment).
Really, really appreciate all your help!
FROM arm64v8/ubuntu:22.04 # Install necessary dependencies RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y \ cmake \ build-essential \ libglib2.0-0 # Copy Adreno GPU dependencies # - libcutils0_0-r1_arm64.deb # - libsync_1.0-r1_arm64.deb # - qti-libion_0-r1_arm64.deb # - liblog0_1.0-r1_arm64.deb # - qti-adreno_1.0-r0_arm64.deb COPY dep /root/dep # Create required directory for qti-adreno install RUN mkdir /usr/include/KHR && dpkg -i /root/dep/*.deb # Copy and build test script COPY ./hellocl /root/hellocl RUN cd /root/hellocl && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make CMD ["bash"]
voxl2:~/opencl$ docker run -it --rm --privileged opencl:latest ./root/hellocl/build/hellocl Platform Information: Platform Name: QUALCOMM Snapdragon(TM) Platform Vendor: QUALCOMM Platform Version: OpenCL 2.0 QUALCOMM build: commit # changeid # Date: 11/10/21 Wed Local Branch: Remote Branch: Platform Profile: FULL_PROFILE Platform Extensions: ------------------------------------ Device Information: Device Name: QUALCOMM Adreno(TM) Device Vendor: QUALCOMM Driver Version: OpenCL 2.0 QUALCOMM build: commit # changeid # Date: 11/10/21 Wed Local Branch: Remote Branch: Compiler E031.37.12.01 Device Version: OpenCL 2.0 Adreno(TM) 650 Device OpenCL C Version: OpenCL C 2.0 Adreno(TM) 650 Device Max Compute Units: 3 This should be three: 3
hi @eric ,
Nice! very clean.
Did you use
to create debs of installed packages, such as:apt-get install dpkg-repack dpkg-repack qti-adreno
Cool trick!
I will test this out and add to our docs.
@Alex-Kushleyev Yes, dpkg -S <file path> to figure out which debs installed which libraries (ie,
dpkg -S /usr/lib/libOpenCL.so
), apt-cache show to see the source (ubuntu ppa vs modalai), then dpkg-repack to repack the modalai debs.Thanks again!
@eric , thanks again for your input on this, i have posted a complete tutorial how to enable OpenCL in Docker on VOXL2 : https://docs.modalai.com/voxl-2-opencl-in-docker/
@Alex-Kushleyev Awesome! Thanks again for all your help with this!