Starling is making only 8 instead of following the path
I recently bought the VOXL 2 Starling Indoor and Outdoor SLAM & Autonomy Development Drone from ModalAI.My main purpose of purchasing this product is the use of Indoor SLAM and Autonomous flights. But, I am not satisfied with the product.
Initially, the drone wasn't creating the 3D map as shown in the video, but unfortunately as of now I am just struggling with the feature.
In the beginning the mapper service wasn't installed over my VOXL2, I got the instructions and installed it somehow.
Now, I can create the map (not perfect), but upon doing the "Plan to a Point" ---> "Go" ---> "Follow Path", the drone isn't following the path and it just hover and doesn't move.
If I switch the flight mode to "Offboard", the drone starts doing 8.Logs are attached below:
Log # 1: # 2: # 3: of the map are also attached below:
@Alex-Kushleyev @Vinny @Eric-Katzfey @modaltb
Your early response will be appreciated.
Thank you -
@muhammadbilal1 please see docs here:
@Moderator I was able to do the flight after setting ""offboard_mode": "trajectory",".
But, I am only able to set 1 point (Plan to a Point) on the map.Is this possible to setup a complete mission instead of only putting a single point at once?
@muhammadbilal1 at this point, the gui only provides a single point as input. The code is all open so our customers can modify how they see fit. We are happy to incorporate merge requests if you have a feature you'd like to be incorporated into mainline