Modalai Server Client Issue
I've been working with the ModalAI server and encountered a warning while creating a client that subscribes to the server. The warning states: "too many clients are trying to connect," even when the machine has just been rebooted.
Upon inspecting the source code, the warning occurs when no channels are available (i.e., no channel is uninitialized or disconnected). This behavior seems abnormal during a reboot.
Has anyone experienced similar issues or have insights into why channels might be occupied right after a reboot? Any suggestions for further debugging or resolving this would be appreciated.
Are you able to provide a minimal example to help reproduce? All of our services that have MPA servers are running fine, as far as we know, so this may be related to an implementation detail in your code.
Please try to reduce the server / client code to bare minimum to reproduce the error.
It would also be helpful to know which version of VOXL2 SDK you are using (please confirm VOXL2 / VOXL2 mini).
Hi @Alex-Kushleyev,
Thank you for your response. Attached below is a screenshot of my subscription code for your reference:
I suspect the issue might be related to the pipe_client_get_next_available_channel() function. Please let me know if there are any specific tests you would recommend to further diagnose this issue.Karl
Hi @Alex-Kushleyev,
Here are links to the relevant parts of my source code:
Additionally, I have attached another image below showing the version of the VOXL2 SDK I am using for your reference
@Karl-pan , thank you, i will take a look shortly.
@Karl-pan It looks as though you're running a pretty old version of the SDK. I'd recommend for development loading the latest version of the SDK (1.4.0). Otherwise when developing you'd have to reference the source of the packages at the tagged version in which was included in the older SDK.
Agreed! thanks for noticing, Tom. Definitely should be tested on a recent SDK..