Example to stream video via ffmpeg
In this documentation(https://docs.modalai.com/docker-on-voxl/#access-to-mipi-cameras), last part, I get this code
ffmpeg -an -sn -f rawvideo -pix_fmt nv21 -s:v 640x480 -i /opt/frame0 <output options>
I already set up the docker with roskinetic-xenial_v1_0. Would you like to give an example to use FFmpeg? I want to stream the visual data and view such data on my laptop.
I tried to save the video locally. but the system give me error
ffmpeg -an -sn -f rawvideo -pix_fmt nv21 -s:v 640x480 -i /opt/frame0 output.mov
/opt/frame0: Is a directory
Thank you!
@Ruijie-Geng In order to stream video to your ground control station you can do something similar to the following
ffmpeg -an -sn -f rawvideo -pix_fmt nv21 -s:v 640x480 -i /opt/frame0 -f mpegts udp://GCS_IP:4242
is the IP address of the ground control station (laptop) that you are connecting to. -
Also, you have to start the camera application that creates /opt/frame0 before starting the docker. Otherwise the docker will create /opt/frame0 itself as a directory and not as a pipe. If this happens, exit the docker, delete /opt/frame0, start the camera application, then start docker.
Thank you! I will have a trial to do that!
I meet another question that I try to run
hello_hal3_camera -l /dev/frame0
before starting docker, but gives the error~ # hello_hal3_camera -l /dev/frame0 Camera id: 0 Image width: 640 Image height: 480 Number of frames to dump: 0 Frame FIFO: /dev/frame0 Camera mode: preview SUCCESS: Camera module opened Camera Id: 0 Facing: 0 Camera Id: 1 Facing: 1 Error: Could not open named FIFO /dev/frame0 Camera Id: 2 Facing: 1 Camera HAL3 test is now running
@Ruijie-Geng Can you please show the output of "ls -l /dev/frame0"?
Sorry for the late reply. I try the code again, the bug is gone. I can open /dev/frame0 correctly.
Thank you very much
Can you please send us the output of "ls -l /dev/frame0", the output showing hello_hal3_camera, and also ffmpeg?