Unable to configure RB5 from Qgroundcontrol
I am using RB5 drone and trying to verify the motor spin using Qgroundcontrol Vehicle Setup. I am testing it out in indoor without GPS.
Is there any specific version of Qgroundcontrol that I should be using ? Looking for help to bootstrap.
@prjana You should be able to use the latest version of QGroundControl.
@Eric-Katzfey do they need gps to arm? Or, is there a way to arm it with VIO only?
@Eric-Katzfey Okay. When I use the latest version, I am seeing no response from Drone. If I move the slider for motors, after a while I receive the message "Waiting for response to the previous commands"
@prjana I don't think that the motor spin operation that you are attempting from QGC is supported on the RB5 flight drone. I'll have to look into it to see how that is implemented.
@Eric-Katzfey Can you suggest alternates for testing the motors spins ? I tried px4 command sets and didn't seem to work either.
@prjana Can you arm the drone? Obviously with appropriate safety precautions as this can be an extremely dangerous thing to do if you aren't very careful! But arming the drone will cause the motors to spin.