Starling 2 Max Propellers
I recently bought a Starling 2 Max drone. The propellers don't seem like they can be push fit into the motor slot. How do I connect the propellers to the drone? The quick start documentation seem to have a different hardware setup. Appreciate a speedy response!
@Moderator Sorry to hear that the props won't go on correctly. Could you please post a picture of the motor shaft and propellers?
Do the props fit at all or just really snug?
Thanks -
Typically, with a set of new props, they will have a very snug/tight fit. See pictures below:
@Adrian-Hidalgo Thanks for the details, I did figure it out.
Is there a plan to update the Quickstart / bootcamp docs? I'm finding the docs to be slightly outdated (I could be wrong). For ex, I was trying to see how I could setup HITL using Starling 2 Max, but looks like the documentation is only for the VOXL2 dev board. Can I even do HITL using a development drone? Do I have to remove the ESC wires going into J18 to do a Starling 2 Max based HITL?Thanks!
@ramp Yes you could still do HITL with a starling 2 max, would just require unplugging the ESC from the VOXL 2 and using that connector