Voxl 2 and Herelink Slow Video stream
I have been working on getting a voxl 2 and a herelink 1.1 integrated using Sbus with the IO shield and using a usb to eth connection, so far I have gotten them to communicate and send video and telemetry to each other. My two primary issues are that I need to set the IP of the ethernet on the voxl 2 everytime its starts as it will not stay on and the second issue is that my stream of the hires camera is about 1 frame every 4 seconds, any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated, thanks
@Nicholas-Hansen In order to set an IP address at boot you could create a systemd service that runs a script similar to this portion of the voxl-modem startup script:
You could probably highjack the doodle workflow if you really want to. It's pretty basic, it just waits for the network interface to enumerate and sets the IP address if it is different from what is set in the config file. It then monitors that interface and sets the IP again if it ever changes
echo -e "\nWaiting for eth0..." rc=1 while [ $rc -ne 0 ]; do ifconfig -s | grep eth0 rc=$? sleep 1 done echo -e "\neth0 initialized" # loop and re-set IP if network interface goes down and back up while true do # grab ip address from eth0 eth0_ip=$(ip -4 addr show eth0 | grep -oP '(?<=inet\s)\d+(\.\d+){3}' | head -1) # if it's not what we expect, fix it if [[ "$eth0_ip" != *"$DOODLE_IP"* ]]; then echo "setting IP address to: $DOODLE_IP" ifconfig eth0 $DOODLE_IP netmask up fi sleep 1 done
@tom That worked great for setting a fixed ip, thank you for the info. The video stream is still 1 frame every 5 seconds, and ideas on how to start working on that issue?
@Nicholas-Hansen Are you just using voxl-streamer? What SDK are you using on this voxl2?
@tom We're running v1.0.1 SDK. However, we were actually just able to get the RTSP stream working over Herelink with virtually no latency. Using the SiYiQgroundControl application on the Herelink, the RTSP works completely fine. I believe the issue is in the QGC firmware that ships stock with the Herelink controller. For now you can consider this thread solved. Thanks again!