VOXL2 Not Working After Flight (no ADB, not recognized in lsusb)
@tom Hey Tom, thanks for the response -- unfortunately I've tried a few different cables, as well another laptop to run the QDB tool and not getting any luck. Do you have any other suggestions? Thanks again
@camharrisvayu What hardware do you have attached to your VOXL2? Any add-on boards / sensors?
@tom Yep I have it with the flight deck 2:
- M0078 board with WiFi dongle (which no longer turns on with the VOXL2)
- M8N GPS (also no longer turns on)
- 4-in-1 ESC
- front and rear stereo cams, tracking cam, hires
@camharrisvayu And how are you powering it? Wall wart, battery, etc.
@tom Powering with a battery (4s, tried LiIon and LiPo both fully charged)
@camharrisvayu Do you have a wall wart you can try with? I'm not sure if that would be the reason for what you're seeing but it doesn't hurt to try
@tom Unfortunately this didn't work either, QDL is still outputting the same error.
@camharrisvayu What operating system are you using?
@tom I'm using 22.04
@camharrisvayu At this point it may be worth submitting an RMA for this flight deck and we can take a look: https://www.modalai.com/pages/rma