VOXL2 Not Working After Flight (no ADB, not recognized in lsusb)
@camharrisvayu Hey devs, any idea here? lsusb recognizes the device as "Qualcomm, Inc. Gobi Wireless Modem (QDL mode)", and the device isn't recognized in fastboot after following the tutorial on that. Thanks!
@camharrisvayu QDL would be the correct way forward. I would recommend trying another USB cable and/or different USB port of your PC to see if you have better luck. Sometimes cables/ports can be finicky.
@tom Hey Tom, thanks for the response -- unfortunately I've tried a few different cables, as well another laptop to run the QDB tool and not getting any luck. Do you have any other suggestions? Thanks again
@camharrisvayu What hardware do you have attached to your VOXL2? Any add-on boards / sensors?
@tom Yep I have it with the flight deck 2:
- M0078 board with WiFi dongle (which no longer turns on with the VOXL2)
- M8N GPS (also no longer turns on)
- 4-in-1 ESC
- front and rear stereo cams, tracking cam, hires
@camharrisvayu And how are you powering it? Wall wart, battery, etc.
@tom Powering with a battery (4s, tried LiIon and LiPo both fully charged)
@camharrisvayu Do you have a wall wart you can try with? I'm not sure if that would be the reason for what you're seeing but it doesn't hurt to try
@tom Unfortunately this didn't work either, QDL is still outputting the same error.
@camharrisvayu What operating system are you using?
@tom I'm using 22.04
@camharrisvayu At this point it may be worth submitting an RMA for this flight deck and we can take a look: https://www.modalai.com/pages/rma