Sentinel PX4 ( NO GPs Lock and firmware problem )
@Samer-Jaradat Okay, so that confirms that GPS driver has not been able to communicate with the GPS unit. Can you try
journalctl --no-pager -b -u voxl-px4 > /tmp/test.txt
and then attach the test.txt file so I can see all of the PX4 status and debug messages? -
voxl2:/$ journalctl --no-pager -b -u voxl-px4 > /tmp/test.txt
voxl2:/$ journalctl --no-pager -b -u voxl-px4
-- Logs begin at Thu 2023-03-02 12:58:02 UTC, end at Fri 2023-06-23 18:06:16 UTC. --
Jun 23 16:24:45 m0054 systemd[1]: Starting px4...
Jun 23 16:24:50 m0054 systemd[1]: Started px4.
Jun 23 16:24:50 m0054 bash[1691]: Found DSP signature file
Jun 23 16:24:50 m0054 bash[1691]: Running on M0054
Jun 23 16:24:52 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'icm42688p start -s'
Jun 23 16:24:52 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 11522033, local time: 11523559
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: Starting Holybro magnetometer
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'ist8310 start -R 10 -X -b 1'
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 14344064, local time: 14345444
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: Starting Holybro LED driver
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'rgbled_ncp5623c start -X -b 1 -f 400 -a 56'
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 14401400, local time: 14402064
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [px4] mlockall() enabled. PX4's virtual address space is locked into RAM.
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [px4] assuming working directory is rootfs, no symlinks needed.
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: ______ __ __ ___
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: | ___ \ \ \ / / / |
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: | |/ / \ V / / /| |
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: | __/ / \ / /| |
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: | | / /^\ \ ___ |
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: _| / / |_/
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: px4 starting.
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [px4] Calling startup script: /bin/sh /etc/modalai/voxl-px4.config 0
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Creating qurt thread hpwork
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Successfully created px4 task PX4_hpwork with tid 83
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Creating qurt thread lpwork
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Successfully created px4 task PX4_lpwork with tid 82
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Creating qurt thread wkr_hrt
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Successfully created px4 task PX4_wkr_hrt with tid 81
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Creating qurt thread client_sync_thread
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Successfully created px4 task PX4_client_sync_thread with tid 80
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Creating qurt thread wq_manager
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Successfully created px4 task PX4_wq_manager with tid 79
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Creating qurt thread qshell
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Successfully created px4 task PX4_qshell with tid 78
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: icm42688p start -s
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Creating qurt thread wq_SPI1
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Successfully created px4 task PX4_wq_SPI1 with tid 76
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: *** SPI Device ID 0x26000a 2490378
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic sensor_accel
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Marking DeviceNode(parameter_server_set_used_request) as advertised in process_remote_topic
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(parameter_server_set_used_response) as advertised in process_remote_topic
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic sensor_gyro
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic imu_server
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: on SPI bus 1
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: icm42688p #0 on SPI bus 1 (devid=0x0)
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI:
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: icm42688p start -s
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Sending qshell retval with timestamp 11522033, current timestamp 11522034
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic qshell_retval
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(parameter_client_reset_request) as advertised in process_remote_topic
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: ERROR [muorb] SLPI: Cannot reset all parameters on client side
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Marking DeviceNode(parameter_client_reset_response) as advertised in process_remote_topic
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Advertising remote topic parameter_update
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(parameter_client_set_value_request) as advertised in process_remote_topic
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Marking DeviceNode(parameter_client_set_value_response) as advertised in process_remote_topic
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [logger] logger started (mode=all)
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: ist8310 start -R 10 -X -b 1
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Creating qurt thread wq_I2C1
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Successfully created px4 task PX4_wq_I2C1 with tid 75
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: *** I2C Device ID 0x60e09 396809
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: ist8310 #0 on I2C bus 1 (external)
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: ist8310 start -R 10 -X -b 1
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Sending qshell retval with timestamp 14344064, current timestamp 14344065
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: rgbled_ncp5623c start -X -b 1 -f 400 -a 56
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: *** I2C Device ID 0x7b3809 8075273
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: rgbled_ncp5623c #0 on I2C bus 1 (external)
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: rgbled_ncp5623c start -X -b 1 -f 400 -a 56
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Sending qshell retval with timestamp 14401400, current timestamp 14401401
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: icp10100 start -I -b 5
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Creating qurt thread wq_I2C5
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Successfully created px4 task PX4_wq_I2C5 with tid 74
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: *** I2C Device ID 0x9c6329 1024INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'icp10100 start -I -b 5'
Jun 23 16:24:54 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 14434955, local time: 14435823
Jun 23 16:24:55 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'modalai_esc start'
Jun 23 16:24:55 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 14487155, local time: 14487822
Jun 23 16:24:55 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'mixer load /dev/uart_esc quad_x.main.mix'
Jun 23 16:24:55 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 14542181, local time: 14543199
Jun 23 16:24:55 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'voxlpm start -X -b 2'
Jun 23 16:24:55 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 14585276, local time: 14586089
Jun 23 16:24:55 m0054 bash[1691]: Starting Holybro GPS
Jun 23 16:24:55 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'gps start -d 7 -b 115200'
Jun 23 16:24:55 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 14617107, local time: 14618038
Jun 23 16:24:55 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'px4io detect'
Jun 23 16:24:55 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] cmd returned with: -17
Jun 23 16:24:55 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 14668509, local time: 14669837
Jun 23 16:24:55 m0054 bash[1691]: ERROR [qshell] Command failed
Jun 23 16:24:55 m0054 bash[1691]: M0065 not detected, starting Spektrum RC driver
Jun 23 16:24:55 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'spektrum_rc start -d 8'
Jun 23 16:24:55 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 14706420, local time: 14708458
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: 9001
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: probe probe succeeded. data = 0x1 0x48
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: icp10100 #0 on I2C bus 5
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: icp10100 start -I -b 5
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Sending qshell retval with timestamp 14434955, current timestamp 14434956
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic sensor_mag
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: modalai_esc start
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Creating qurt thread wq_hp_default
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Successfully created px4 task PX4_wq_hp_default with tid 73
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic test_motor
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic sensor_baro
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: modalai_esc start
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Sending qshell retval with timestamp 14487155, current timestamp 14487156
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Opened UART ESC device
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: mixer load /dev/uart_esc quad_x.main.mix
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Creating qurt thread wq_rate_ctrl
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Successfully created px4 task PX4_wq_rate_ctrl with tid 71
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: mixer load /dev/uart_esc quad_x.main.mix
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Sending qshell retval with timestamp 14542181, current timestamp 14542182
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic actuator_outputs
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic multirotor_motor_limits
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: voxlpm start -X -b 2
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Creating qurt thread wq_I2C2
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Successfully created px4 task PX4_wq_I2C2 with tid 4169
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: *** I2C Device ID 0x784411 7881745
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic battery_status
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: voxlpm #0 on I2C bus 2 (external)
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: voxlpm start -X -b 2
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Sending qshell retval with timestamp 14585276, current timestamp 14585277
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic power_monitor
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: gps start -d 7 -b 115200
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Creating qurt thread gps
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Successfully created px4 task PX4_gps with tid 70
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: gps start -d 7 -b 115200
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Sending qshell retval with timestamp 14617107, current timestamp 14617107
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: px4io detect
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: serial port fd 2
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: ERROR [muorb] SLPI: px4io read failed
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: ERROR [muorb] SLPI: px4io io_reg_get(0,0,1): data error -5
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: ERROR [muorb] SLPI: IO not installed
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: ERROR [muorb] SLPI: Detection attempt 2 failed
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: ERROR [muorb] SLPI: Detection attempt 1 failed
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: ERROR [muorb] SLPI: Detection attempt 0 failed
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: ERROR [muorb] SLPI: Failed to execute command: px4io detect
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Sending qshell retval with timestamp 14668509, current timestamp 14668510
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: spektrum_rc start -d 8
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Creating qurt thread spektrum_rc_main
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Successfully created px4 task PX4_spektrum_rc_main with tid 67
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: spektrum_rc start -d 8
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Sending qshell retval with timestamp 14706420, current timestamp 14706421
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: sensors start
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Creating qurt thread wq_nav_and_controllers
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Successfully created px4 task PX4_wq_nav_and_controllers with tid 66
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: sensors start
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Sending qshell retval with timestamp 15763186, current timestamp 15763187
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic vehicle_angINFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'sensors start'
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 15763186, local time: 15766524
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'ekf2 start'
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 15924808, local time: 15926148
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'mc_pos_control start'
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 15977526, local time: 15978641
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'mc_att_control start'
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 16020779, local time: 16021799
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'mc_rate_control start'
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 16076014, local time: 16077458
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'mc_hover_thrust_estimator start'
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 16115582, local time: 16117055
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] Send cmd: 'land_detector start multicopter'
Jun 23 16:24:56 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 16150880, local time: 16151957
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: ular_acceleration
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic vehicle_angular_velocity
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Creating qurt thread wq_INS0
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Successfully created px4 task PX4_wq_INS0 with tid 65
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic vehicle_imu
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic vehicle_imu_status
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic sensors_status_imu
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic vehicle_acceleration
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic vehicle_air_data
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic sensor_selection
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic sensor_combined
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: ekf2 start
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: ekf2 start
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Sending qshell retval with timestamp 15924808, current timestamp 15924809
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic ekf2_timestamps
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: mc_pos_control start
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: mc_pos_control start
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Sending qshell retval with timestamp 15977526, current timestamp 15977527
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: mc_att_control start
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: mc_att_control start
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Sending qshell retval with timestamp 16020779, current timestamp 16020780
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: mc_rate_control start
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: mc_rate_control start
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Sending qshell retval with timestamp 16076014, current timestamp 16076015
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: mc_hover_thrust_estimator start
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: mc_hover_thrust_estimator start
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Sending qshell retval with timestamp 16115582, current timestamp 16115583
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Marking DeviceNode(qshell_req) as advertised in process_remote_topic
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: land_detector start multicopter
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: land_detector start multicopter
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Sending qshell retval with timestamp 16150880, current timestamp 16150881
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic vehicle_land_detected
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: 16481861: reset position to last known position
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: 16481861: reset velocity to zero
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic vehicle_local_position
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic vehicle_odometry
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic estimator_states
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic estimator_status
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic estimator_status_flags
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic estimator_innovations
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic estimator_innovation_test_ratios
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic estimator_innovation_variances
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [dataman] Unknown restart, data manager file '/data/px4/dataman' size is 11798680 bytes
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Advertising remote topic position_setpoint_triplet
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [commander] LED: open /dev/led0 failed (22)
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Advertising remote topic led_control
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Advertising remote topic tune_control
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [PreFlightCheck] Failed EKF health preflight check while waiting for filter to settle
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Advertising remote topic vehicle_control_mode
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Advertising remote topic vehicle_status
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Advertising remote topic actuator_armed
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Advertising remote topic commander_state
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic rate_ctrl_status
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [uorb] Advertising remote topic actuator_controls_0
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Advertising remote topic vehicle_status_flags
Jun 23 16:24:57 m0054 bash[1691]: INFO [muorb] SLPI: Advertising remote topic vehicle_command
voxl2:/$ /tmp/test.txt
bash: /tmp/test.txt: Permission denied -
no text file created
@Samer-Jaradat do
cat /tmp/test.txt
, it probably was created -
@tom Or outside of the adb shell do
adb pull /tmp/test.txt .
to pull it off and upload that file here -
@Samer-Jaradat said in Sentinel PX4 ( NO GPs Lock and firmware problem ):
gps start -d 7 -b 115200
Please change the line
qshell gps start -d 7 -b 115200
toqshell gps start
and see if that solves the GPS issue, -
no txt file created after do this command on my computer / tmp
@Samer-Jaradat Don't worry about the text file. You pasted the output directly into the forum so that's just as good.
adb shell creat this result after do this command.voxl2:/$ /etc/modalai/voxl-px4.config
bash: /etc/modalai/voxl-px4.config: Permission denied -
@Samer-Jaradat Don't try to execute that file directly. It is used by px4. Just edit it, save it, and then reboot your drone.
OK, but i don't know how we can edit it,
please tell me how i can edit it and save it. -
@Samer-Jaradat Please find a tutorial online about using the program
to edit files in Linux. -
when i open vi program this is the result as shown on my pc i cant show the command that need to editing
GNU nano 2.9.3 /etc/modalai/voxl-px4.config
PX4 commands need the 'px4-' prefix in bash.
( is expected to be in the PATH)
Figure out what platform we are running on.
Eventually there will be a utility called voxl-platform that will
return the platform tag or an error code. This utility is not yet
ubiquitous so it may be that it isn't available. Trying to call a
non existent program will generate an error code by the OS. If the
program exists and doesn't return an error code then use the results.
/usr/bin/voxl-platform 2> /dev/null
if [ $RETURNCODE -ne 0 ]; then
# If we couldn't get the platform from the voxl-platform utility then check
# /etc/version to see if there is an M0052 substring in the version string.$
# then we assume that we are on M0052. Otherwise assume M0054.
[ Read 271 lines ]
^G Get Help ^O Write Out ^W Where Is ^K Cut Text ^J Justify ^C Cur Pos
^X Exit ^R Read File ^\ Replace ^U Uncut Text^T To Linter ^_ Go To Line -
this is file open when i use vi program ( no command qshell gps start -d 7 -b 115200 in script file )
this is all file command :#!/bin/sh
PX4 commands need the 'px4-' prefix in bash.
( is expected to be in the PATH)
Figure out what platform we are running on.
Eventually there will be a utility called voxl-platform that will
return the platform tag or an error code. This utility is not yet
ubiquitous so it may be that it isn't available. Trying to call a
non existent program will generate an error code by the OS. If the
program exists and doesn't return an error code then use the results.
/usr/bin/voxl-platform 2> /dev/null
if [ $RETURNCODE -ne 0 ]; then
# If we couldn't get the platform from the voxl-platform utility then check
# then we assume that we are on M0052. Otherwise assume M0054.
if [[ "$VERSIONSTRING" == "$M0052SUBSTRING" ]]; then
fiWe can only run on M0052 or M0054 so exit with error if that is not the case
if [ $PLATFORM = "M0052" ]; then
/bin/echo "Running on M0052"
if [ "$RC" == "CRSF" ]; then
/bin/echo "Error, crossfire not supported on M0052!"
exit 0
elif [ $PLATFORM = "M0054" ]; then
/bin/echo "Running on M0054"
/bin/echo "Error, cannot determine platform!"
exit 0
fiuorb start
muorb startIn order to just exit after starting the uorb / muorb modules define
the environment variable MINIMAL_PX4. (e.g. export MINIMAL_PX4=1)
This is useful for testing / debug where you may want to start drivers
and modules manually from the px4 command shell
if [ ! -z $MINIMAL_PX4 ]; then
/bin/echo "Running minimal script"
exit 0
PX4 commands need the 'px4-' prefix in bash.
( is expected to be in the PATH)
Figure out what platform we are running on.
Eventually there will be a utility called voxl-platform that will
return the platform tag or an error code. This utility is not yet
ubiquitous so it may be that it isn't available. Trying to call a
non existent program will generate an error code by the OS. If the
program exists and doesn't return an error code then use the results.
/usr/bin/voxl-platform 2> /dev/null
if [ $RETURNCODE -ne 0 ]; then
# If we couldn't get the platform from the voxl-platform utility then check
# then we assume that we are on M0052. Otherwise assume M0054.
if [[ "$VERSIONSTRING" == "$M0052SUBSTRING" ]]; then
fiWe can only run on M0052 or M0054 so exit with error if that is not the case
if [ $PLATFORM = "M0052" ]; then
/bin/echo "Running on M0052"
if [ "$RC" == "CRSF" ]; then
/bin/echo "Error, crossfire not supported on M0052!"
exit 0
elif [ $PLATFORM = "M0054" ]; then
/bin/echo "Running on M0054"
/bin/echo "Error, cannot determine platform!"
exit 0
fiuorb start
muorb startIn order to just exit after starting the uorb / muorb modules define
the environment variable MINIMAL_PX4. (e.g. export MINIMAL_PX4=1)
This is useful for testing / debug where you may want to start drivers
and modules manually from the px4 command shell
if [ ! -z $MINIMAL_PX4 ]; then
/bin/echo "Running minimal script"
exit 0
fiSleep a little here. A lot happens when the uorb and muorb start
and we need to make sure that it all completes successfully to avoid
any possible race conditions.
/bin/sleep 1
IMU (accelerometer / gyroscope)
Start this first because it gets the high rate interrupts coming in to the
DSP. Without this the DSP will oversleep and miss critical timeouts.
TODO: Why is that the case?
if [ "$IMU" == "ROTATE_IMU_YAW_180" ]; then
/bin/echo "Starting IMU driver with yaw 180 rotation"
qshell icm42688p start -s -R 4
qshell icm42688p start -s
fi/bin/sleep 1
Load in all of the parameters that have been saved in the file
param load
Start logging and use timestamps for log files when possible.
Add the "-e" option to start logging immediately. Default is
to log only when armed
logger start -t
We do not change the value of SYS_AUTOCONFIG but if it does not
show up as used then it is not reported to QGC and we get a
PX4 commands need the 'px4-' prefix in bash.
( is expected to be in the PATH)
Figure out what platform we are running on.
Eventually there will be a utility called voxl-platform that will
return the platform tag or an error code. This utility is not yet
ubiquitous so it may be that it isn't available. Trying to call a
non existent program will generate an error code by the OS. If the
program exists and doesn't return an error code then use the results.
/usr/bin/voxl-platform 2> /dev/null
if [ $RETURNCODE -ne 0 ]; then
# If we couldn't get the platform from the voxl-platform utility then check
# then we assume that we are on M0052. Otherwise assume M0054.
if [[ "$VERSIONSTRING" == "$M0052SUBSTRING" ]]; then
fiWe can only run on M0052 or M0054 so exit with error if that is not the case
if [ $PLATFORM = "M0052" ]; then
/bin/echo "Running on M0052"
if [ "$RC" == "CRSF" ]; then
/bin/echo "Error, crossfire not supported on M0052!"
exit 0
elif [ $PLATFORM = "M0054" ]; then
/bin/echo "Running on M0054"
/bin/echo "Error, cannot determine platform!"
exit 0
fiuorb start
muorb startIn order to just exit after starting the uorb / muorb modules define
the environment variable MINIMAL_PX4. (e.g. export MINIMAL_PX4=1)
This is useful for testing / debug where you may want to start drivers
and modules manually from the px4 command shell
if [ ! -z $MINIMAL_PX4 ]; then
/bin/echo "Running minimal script"
exit 0
fiSleep a little here. A lot happens when the uorb and muorb start
and we need to make sure that it all completes successfully to avoid
any possible race conditions.
/bin/sleep 1
IMU (accelerometer / gyroscope)
Start this first because it gets the high rate interrupts coming in to the
DSP. Without this the DSP will oversleep and miss critical timeouts.
TODO: Why is that the case?
if [ "$IMU" == "ROTATE_IMU_YAW_180" ]; then
/bin/echo "Starting IMU driver with yaw 180 rotation"
qshell icm42688p start -s -R 4
qshell icm42688p start -s
fi/bin/sleep 1
Load in all of the parameters that have been saved in the file
param load
Start logging and use timestamps for log files when possible.
Add the "-e" option to start logging immediately. Default is
to log only when armed
logger start -t
We do not change the value of SYS_AUTOCONFIG but if it does not
show up as used then it is not reported to QGC and we get a
missing parameter error.
param touch SYS_AUTOCONFIG
Start all of the device drivers on DSP
if [ "$GPS" == "MATEK" ]; then
# Use this line for the magnetometer in the Matek Systems M8Q-5883 module
/bin/echo "Starting Mateksys M8Q-5883 magnetometer"
qshell qmc5883l start -R 10 -X -b 1
elif [ "$GPS" == "HERE3" ]; then
# Use this line for the magnetometer in the Here3 GPS module
/bin/echo "Starting Here3 ak09916 magnetometer"
qshell ak09916 start -R 2 -X
# Use this line for the magnetometer in the Holybro GPS module
/bin/echo "Starting Holybro magnetometer"
qshell ist8311 start -R 10 -X -b 1
fiLED driver for the Pixhawk 4 GPS module
Older units have i2c address 0x39 (57) and newer ones 0x38 (56)
M0054 only supports the newer one. M0052 can support either.
if [ $PLATFORM = "M0052" ]; then
qshell rgbled_ncp5623c start -X -b 1 -f 400 -a 57
102,18 33%
# Use this line for the magnetometer in the Here3 GPS module
/bin/echo "Starting Here3 ak09916 magnetometer"
qshell ak09916 start -R 2 -X
# Use this line for the magnetometer in the Holybro GPS module
/bin/echo "Starting Holybro magnetometer"
qshell ist8310 start -R 10 -X -b 1
fiLED driver for the Pixhawk 4 GPS module
Older units have i2c address 0x39 (57) and newer ones 0x38 (56)
M0054 only supports the newer one. M0052 can support either.
if [ $PLATFORM = "M0052" ]; then
qshell rgbled_ncp5623c start -X -b 1 -f 400 -a 57
if [ "$GPS" == "HOLYBRO" ]; then
/bin/echo "Starting Holybro LED driver"
qshell rgbled_ncp5623c start -X -b 1 -f 400 -a 56
elif [ "$GPS" == "HERE3" ]; then
# Use this line for the Here3 GPS module LED controller
/bin/echo "Starting Here3 LED"
qshell rgbled start -X -f 400
qshell icp10100 start -I -b 5
ESC driver
We start this even if there is a PX4IO module. If there is
a PX4IO (M0065) module it will be plugged into the RC port
117,1 39%
this is our GPS status right nowINFO [muorb] SLPI: qshell gotten: gps status
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Main GPS
INFO [muorb] SLPI: protocol: UBX
INFO [muorb] SLPI: status: NOT OK, port: 6, baudrate: 0
INFO [muorb] SLPI: sat info: disabled
INFO [muorb] SLPI: rate reading: 0 B/s
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Ok executing command: gps status
INFO [muorb] SLPI: Sending qshell retval with timestamp 855143719, current timestamp 855143720
INFO [qshell] qshell return value timestamp: 855143719, local time: 855147735
pxh> -
E Eric Katzfey referenced this topic on