Hi @jcai no there is currently no way to update the kernel outside of the SDK releases provided by modalAI (which can be found here: https://developer.modalai.com/). If you are on the latest iteration of the SDK, AKA 1.3.3 then you are on the newest kernel layer as well. I do not recommend touching the kernel as this is a sure fire way of bricking your machine and would leave this to us to figure out in a later relaease.
As for docker - you could just configure your router to give you the same capability of ip management that docker ipvlan supports. Or getting more hacky you could deploy a docker instance that contains a higher kernel version on the voxl2 and then share your network with the docker over net and ipc with the --net=host and --ipc=host flags and then run your ipvlan create call inside that docker image - almost a nested docker (which is more hacky and not best practice, but you get the gist). What version of docker are you on?