@Eric-Katzfey In my case I am receiving data as @Alex-Kushleyev explains with
stty -F /dev/ttyHS2 115200
cat /dev/ttyHS2
and in the script in /usr/bin/voxl-px4-start I see that section @Eric-Katzfey
but when it comes to running voxl-px4 it autodetects with different bauds to the GPS. Is it necessary to change it somewhere else?
I have no problems with the MAG. It detects it perfectly.
I have the RX and TX of the GPS connected exclusively to the J9 of the 5G, and the rest, to the J19.
I also have the RX and TX of the IO Board connected to the RX and TX of the J19.
I have also tried disconnecting the IO Board and leaving only the GPS on the J9.
SOLVED: I change in the file voxl-px4-start from M0052 to M0054. Thanks!!!