I'm cross posting this here from yesterdays post in the Seeker forum. Is there a rotate option for the TOF camera? Mine is upside down when viewed in the portal. I tried "voxl-configure-cameras 7 rotate_tof" thinking it might work like it does for the stereo cameras, but alas.. no luck. Thanks!
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Rotate the TOF sensor for proper orientation in portal?
Latest posts made by Bulldog357
RE: OpenVPN on Voxl/Seeker
@tom Tom, Thank you, but I feel like an idiot. I say that because I just clicked on all of the links you just posted in that reply, gave it 30 minutes worth of clicks, and for the life of me, I can't find any reference to: voxl-time-sync or vpn-start.service or any of the instruction you provided in your short post. Is it me? I really and truly appreciate your help, but I feel like everyone on your end feels like we're all at your level but we're not. We need hand holding sometimes.. even though we're pretty clever guys (and gals.. or whatever letters you use..) or we probably wouldn't be messing with this stuff. Honestly.. a concise, 2-3 page document for the currently released products containing commands, file locations, syntax and switches, configs (with included defaults) and an example or two would go a LONG ways toward keeping you guys busy at what you do best instead of answering my stupid questions..
RE: OpenVPN on Voxl/Seeker
@tom Omg. This is golden. Not only that, but it would have been NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE to dig up by myself! A while back, I asked you folks if there was a dictionary/glossary/document etc. of all the proprietory utilities, commands, scripts, config files et.al. that are contained on this Voxl (Voxl2 if you like) with at least a brief description and perhaps an example for each. Searchable by keyword. With that and a day or two, I probably could have figured it out. Where is this document? Clearly, this vpn info, exactly as you put it, should be in the docs under "VPN" considering how absolutely crucial it is to making it work. I started in IT in the late 80's and was a DOS guru on through Windows (as were most people back then that didn't work for SCO or IBM) I remember now what made me that way. Long nights without sleep pounding out commands on a keyboard to see what they'd do. I also remember why I got out of it. Learning new software daily but then realizing that all those brain cells I burned on Lotus and Dbase3 and Wordperfect and how to configure stuff to make it work was just a never-ending story because when the next new version comes out, you start over. And the brain cells storing that knowledge will never be used again. To this day I find myself scouring the available info for 2 days only to find the hidden treasure of some undocumented commands or switches that magically make some non-working thing work. Like today. And now it's just a hobby! Enough ranting... Sorry just food for thought. Anyway, Tom, just for clarification, which file is in your picture? Is it the config file for the service? Also, IS there a document somewhere for the commands and switches and configs?? I'll try this on the drone when I get home. Thank you!
RE: OpenVPN on Voxl/Seeker
@tom Well... I lied. I actually did spend most of the day on it again, but I learned a lot so it's ok. I have been 90% successfull in my efforts, with most of the success attibuted to .. Uh.. Following the instructions? LOL! I compiled the 2.5.1 version of OpenVPN on the Voxl. It connected to my server after properly prompting me for the password. I have full use of my subnet from the Voxl through the VPN. I can connect the Voxl to QGC on any machine (IP) on my network that I point the Voxl to. I need two things from you: Using this line does not keep it running as a daemon after I exit the shell: "openvpn --daemon --script-security 2 --config voxl.ovpn" As soon as I exit adb it drops the link. I need to make it persistent. Secondly, I need to know how to make the system clock setting utility persistent as well. Thanks!
RE: OpenVPN on Voxl/Seeker
@tom This is the top of the auto-generated .opvn file created by my OpenVPN server running on a Pi. I've generated 4 separate files, and used them on 2 different laptops tethered to phones (thus not on my local network at all) and the two phones themselves and those 4 devices connect flawlessly.
I have placed this voxl.ovpn file in /etc/openvpn/
When I execute openvpn with the file as the argument, I get this:
I briefly looked at your server link and it looks like it's set up not to require a password for the public key, which is required by my server when creating the user and generating the .ovpn. Is this the issue? When using the Windows and Android OpenVPN GUI clients, they prompt me for the password I created to go with the file. I don't get that far on the Voxl command line. Is there something about the OpenVPN installation on the Voxl that won't let it do the initial TLS handshake for the password? Like I said this stuff works like butter on two laptops and two phones... -
OpenVPN on Voxl/Seeker
Two days in on this one with some successes and some fails. I've successfully attached and controlled the seeker using QGC with a USB joystick through the 4gLTE modem using nothing more than port forwarding on my router. This is possible because the drone can initiate the mavlink connection from it's end (the LTE modem side) thus negating the carrier's NAT/subnet etc. However, getting fpv video requires RTSP, and RTSP has to be initiated fron the GC and it needs an internet accessible IP/URL to acheive that. You knew this, so someone equipped the Voxl with OpenVPN. Hooray! Except.. I can't (after a day, and I'm not putting another day into it..) get it to connect to a perfecly working (as in I can connect multiple laptops/phones to my OpenVPN server using only the generated .ovpn files in the native windows and android clients) server. Can someone outline, in detail, the hoops I need to jump through to accomplish this? I'd be happy to provide you (privately) with a working .ovpn file to try for yourself! Thanks!
RE: Fumble fingers problem on FC
Hey Billy, Since the Voxl communicates with the FC via Mavlink (This goes for all Flight Controllers, not just the Modal AI ones..), I was able to get it working by connecting the 5v level UART on the Voxl to a small 5v-3.3v level-shift board then on to the F5 telemetry port on the v1 FC. I used the 5v vcc feed available from the Voxl port to power the 5v side of the level shift board, and I "borrowed" a 3.3v feed for the other side of that level shifter from the debug port on the FC. I made a custom split cable to do it. It was necessary to change the Mavlink and serial port parameters on the FC using Qgroundcontrol to reflect the Mavlink instance and the 921k baud rate now needed on F5 of the FC. It works fine this way.
RE: Upside down TOF?
Hey Adrian, thanks for the reply! Chad also replied this morning affirming the inverted image in the portal is normal. I was afraid to fly it until I could confirm that. On the SIM, like I said in the other post, after inserting the new EIOT SIM I ordered and A: Killing the voxl modem service temporarily then B: booting up and killing the WiFi then
running the shell script to configure the modem with the new custom APN for the new sim (which, by the way, is running on the same ATT network as the prepaid ATT phone sim I was trying to use.. it has to be the provisioning on the carrier side that keeps it from working in the modem) thus making the WWAN gateway the default gateway, I can now get a response to any ping I throw at the internet through the wan. I believe the issue with the SIM card socket that makes me have to take things apart to get the sim to actually click into place properly has to do with board "tweakage" or flexing just enough to make the rather delicate sim card locking mechanism bind. You know the board is basically held in position by the two corner silicone grommets and the B2B connector... it doesn't have any kind of screws or standoffs holding it precisely where you want it against the frame. It's just kind of sandwiched in there. if you were to continue to develop the product, I'd look into screwing it down,, Anyway, now that I have a working SIM, all I have to do is keep it active and hopefully never take the Voxl Cam apart again!
RE: Rx for ITOF syndrome?
Thank you very much, Chad! Knowing that, I believe I'll venture to fly it today!
Rx for ITOF syndrome?
Good morning! I asked this question last week and no one tackled it so this week I'm going to shoot for just a quick yes or no. My Seeker's Time Of Flight camera is upside down when viewed through the Voxl Web Portal. I do not know if this is normal behaviour and I do not know if it will affect flight. I can find no reference in the documentation. So.. Yes or no.. Is this normal? If yes... Is there a way to invert the image? Thank you!