Can you power VOXL2 from the ModalAI 6s ESC?
Sorry if this is already noted somewhere else - Can you power VOXL2 from the ModalAI 6s ESC? I looked through the doc pages, but I didn't see anything that discusses powering the VOXL2 from the 4-in-1 ESC. Do I still need to use a power module even though there should be power readings coming from the ESC?
@Matthew-Wellner , the M0134-6 ESC cannot be used to power VOXL2 because the ESC only has a small aux 5V regulator (0.5A) but VOXL2 needs 5V @5A+. So you still need the power adapter .
However, the mini ESC ( has a voltage regulator for VOXL2 mini (3.8V) or the optionally for VOXL2 (5.0V). The mini ESC is only rated up to 4S though.
We have an new 6S ESC in the works with integrated power adapter for VOXL2 / VOXL2 mini, but it is not yet available. We will hopefully announce it in several weeks.
Any chance we can do some alpha / beta testing for you? We are working on our own prototype and it would be a huge help not to have to accommodate the power adapter into it if there is a better solution coming soon?
Thanks for the help!
Matt -
@Matthew-Wellner , we are expecting the boards sometime next week, so depending on how initial testing goes, we can provide an update then. Feel free to ping me in early January if we do not follow up here.
@Alex-Kushleyev - Hi Alex! I'm just checking in to see how you made out with the new ESC boards.
I had another quick question. I went to upgrade the firmware on the ESC I have and I am getting an "unknown board detected" error when I run voxl-esc. Any thoughts?
Thanks again for the help!
Matt -
You have an old version of
tools (probably old SDK which includes the tools).Board ID 41 is M0134-6, which should be the ESC board that you have.
Are you able to update the VOXL SDK to 1.1.1 or 1.1.2, so that you have the latest
tools and the latest firmware.Alternatively, you can manually get
tools from gitlab (dev branch has latest): . You could put that on VOXL2 and run the scripts from that location. the following script should auto detect your esc board and update the firmware automatically : . However if your VOXL2 system image is too old, the latestvoxl-esc
tools will be incompatible with that (due to old version of UART bridge that is used to communicate to the ESC)..Regarding the new 6S ESC, our tests have been going really well and we should have boards available to purchase for beta testing starting possibly some time next week. I am going to get the board specs ready within a few days. Would you be potentially interested in beta testing? if so, I can share the link once it's available.
I'll try to share some more details on the new ESC shortly.
@Alex-Kushleyev - We'd love to beta test! Just let me know.
I updated the SDK to v1.1.2, but for some reason I don't see the ESC channels in the QGC params anymore. What sku should I set for myself if I am running a custom quadcoptor frame? I am currently setup as a test bench and I'm wondering if that's why I don't see the motor/actuator params.
Matt -
Sorry to bother you again - I tried to do an update / upgrade from the command line using the voxl-esc in the new SDK and I get an error. There really isn't any info as to why, but I was hoping you can help me figure it out.
I also am unable to set the ESC and battery monitor to anything. I am using the 4 in 1 ESC and the current sensor that came with the VOXL2.
Matt -
I am not sure about the px4 params. Need to ask someone else (will check).
Voxl-esc script errors out because the board is not recognized. Strange, i thought sdk 1.1.2 had the m0134-6 board supported. I will need to check or you can get latest voxl-esc from the repo like i mentioned (dev branch). Make sure to stop px4 before you use the esc tools directly (not using voxl-esc wrapper). To stop px4, run systemctl stop voxl-px4 -
Here is a preview of our new 6S ESC. Some preliminary Specs. Please treat them as unofficial specs and results, we will be publishing official specs in our document very soon.
- Power input : 3S-6S
- Power Output
- 5V @6A for VOXL2 (or 3.8V @6A for VOXL2 mini, as a variant)
- 16.8V regulated @500mA (targetted for optional VTX or other accessories)
- AUX 3.3V / 5.0V @ 500mA
- always ON payload power connector (4A rated connector, battery voltage)
- Current measurement : Total up to 200A
- Maximum sustained current per channel: TBD, around 40-50A, dependent on air flow cooling
- dedicated onboard temperature sensors (top and bottom)
Some preview of test results:
- using Xing2 2207 1855kV motors with 5.1x4.1x3 blades
- 6S 1350mAh Lumenier Extreme battery
- step all 4 motors from 20% power to 100% power and hold for 2 seconds
- Transient current spike saturates 200A sensor, estimated 300A+
- steady state current 140-110A (gets lower as battery votlage drops)
- this is a very extreme use case which even the battery could not sustain very long. A 1350mAh battery will completely discharge in about 50 seconds at 100A constant load (in theory). In practice much sooner
Some RPM step tests using the same set up, single motor:
@Matthew-Wellner , i figured out why your voxl-esc script was not working. The wrapper script was missing support for M0134-6, so even though the underlying python scripts were able to recognize the board, the wrapper script did not. I made a fix here:
You could just make that change manually in your
wrapper and get the firmware upgraded.In order to get battery voltage and current, you need to enable the voxl power monitor driver (voxlpm), it should be present in all the voxl-based px4 configs except for the one that is using the mini ESC (which has the VOXL power regulator built into the ESC)
This looks great! Our flights will be much longer at a much lower current draw with larger props.
I think I got it working. One other question - Do I need to set anything in the params if I am using a TBS crossfire nano receiver? The docs seem to suggest that I just need to hook it up and put it in Mavlink mode for it to work, but I don't see any activity through px4-listener.
Thanks again!
Just to double check... I wired the connector: Rx (VOXL)<->Tx (XFire) and Tx (VOXL) <->Rx (XFire) like you'd normally hookup a UART. This is expected, right?
@Matthew-Wellner , does this help regarding hooking up the receiver? (voxl2) and (voxl2 mini)
Regarding PX4 config, if you look at voxl-px4.conf, it should have something like this:
# RC: # Tell PX4 which RC transmitter to use. # Use EXTERNAL when getting RC control from external Mavlink messages (e.g Via QGC) # Options include: [SPEKTRUM, CRSF_MAV, CRSF_RAW, M0065_SBUS, EXTERNAL, FAKE_RC_INPUT] RC=CRSF_RAW
I seem to have everything configured correctly at this point. Is there anything special that I need to configure the ESC? The ESC spin check works from the command line, but when I try and arm from QGC I get an error that says "ESC failure detected".
Thanks again for the help!
Matt -
Double check baud rate in esc params and px4 param for modalai esc baud rate - they have to match
Yeah hmm.
Please double check voxl-px4.conf should have:
also check output of:
px4-listener esc_status
Is the ESC blinking blue LEDs while PX4 is running? it should.
You can try stop / start voxl-esc driver:
px4-qshell voxl_esc stop px4-qshell voxl_esc start
P.S. the baud rate is 250000 (250K)