mpa_to_ros publish stereo left and right image in different timestamp
Here is the code,
imgL.header.stamp = (_clock_monotonic_to_ros_time(meta.timestamp_ns)); imgL.width = meta.width; imgL.height = meta.height; imgL.step = meta.width; imgL.encoding = GetRosFormat(meta.format); imgR.header.stamp = (_clock_monotonic_to_ros_time(meta.timestamp_ns)); imgR.width = meta.width; imgR.height = meta.height; imgR.step = meta.width; imgR.encoding = GetRosFormat(meta.format);
They are all from meta.timestamp_ns, but _clock_monotonic_to_ros is using the current time, so the final times are slight different.
I think it should be
imgR.header.stamp = imgL.header.stamp -
Thanks for the suggestion! We are happy to incorporate our partners merge requests if you want to make one on gitlab!
will do soon.
MR submitted.
Just tried to calibrated the stereo camera using ROS camera calibrator. Had to run the fixed voxl-mpa-to-ros. Because the ROS calibrator expects left and right to be exactly synchronized.