Mavlink random messages
We're using a modal_pipe to receive mavlink messages. We get the right messages, but sometimes different messages are received (like: 47941, 15297, 18170, 48032 etc. instead of 994, 1494 or 1994). When we connect the VOXL to QGroundControl, RC_CHANNELS doesn't show the random messages (only 994, 1494 or 1994).
Different data types all show the same random values.Can you help us with this?
Hi @SHofmeester ,
Can you describe your setup real quick? E.g. what hardware, and if you could run "voxl-version" on target and put that info here so we can triangulate?
Hi @modaltb
We are using a controller connected to an air unit, which is connected to J12 (yellow connector) of the flight core on a VOXL CAM.
Hi @SHofmeester ,
Sorry this message got lost on my side, any luck making progress on this?