voxl-2 - support MESSAGING PROTOCOLS IQUART, DroneCAN, CANOpen, Hobby Protocols
I want to integrate https://www.modalai.com/collections/ready-to-mount/products/voxl-2-flight-deck?variant=40503626039347 with Veritq's https://www.vertiq.co/23-06-g1. The motor is integrated with ESC. It supports MESSAGING PROTOCOLS IQUART, DroneCAN, CANOpen, Hobby Protocols (https://iqmotion.readthedocs.io/en/latest/communication_protocols/hobby_protocol.html).
Does voxl-2 support any of the messaging protocols?
suvasis -
@Suvasis-M We have never tried to integrate with those motors / ESCs. Taking a quick look at the user manual for those it seems like it may be possible to use PWM if you connect through our VOXL2-IO board. And may be possible to use serial for telemetry. Kind of depends on what PX4 / Ardupilot supports as well. So the answer is no, we don't support any of that, but it still may be possible for you to get it to work. You would have to really dig into the details.
@Suvasis-M , maybe @LucaVertiq can help? I think Vertiq has been doing some integration work with VOXL2 but i do not have any specific details. You may want to contact them directly.