Firmware Update 5G Sierra and AT Command Interface
Hello everyone,
How can I update the firmware of the Sierra Wireless 5G modem? The modem is glued to the PCB.Is there actually a way to access the AT command interface? Maybe via the debug USB port on the PCB?
Best regards
Tom -
@TomP We haven't tried updating the firmware ourselves. What do you mean by "the modem is glued to the PCB"? There is likely some thermal padding between the modem card and the PCB but I'm not aware of any glue being used.
We are actively looking into enabling AT command access to the modem via VOXL 2, we have another customer who had success after making some kernel mods are we are looking into getting those changes mainlined.
@tom That's really excellent news that you are working on the AT Command issue. I'm really looking forward to the update.
The thermal pad seems to be self-adhesive. When you loosen the screw it is held in place by the thermal pad.
I suspect that the thermal pad will need to be replaced if you force it off. Do you have a type designation for the thermal pad? Then I can buy a replacement somewhere.Quectel modems are updated by plugging them into a USB adapter, connecting it to a Windows PC and installing the firmware update using proprietary Quectel software. With Sierra it probably works in a similar way.