Quectel 5G Hat errors on voxl-modem, possibly not being detected
You were correct. It turns out that we did not have a plan with the SIM card I was using. So I switched to a working SIM card that we were using on a ZTE stick before.
Now when I run
quectel-CM -s $APN
, I get this output:voxl2:/$ quectel-CM -s iot.tmowholesale.static [03-02_13:01:39:023] Quectel_QConnectManager_Linux_V1.6.0.24 [03-02_13:01:39:025] Find /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1.1 idVendor=0x2c7c idProduct=0x800, bus=0x001, dev=0x004 [03-02_13:01:39:027] Auto find qmichannel = /dev/cdc-wdm0 [03-02_13:01:39:027] Auto find usbnet_adapter = wwan0 [03-02_13:01:39:027] netcard driver = qmi_wwan, driver version = 22-Aug-2005 [03-02_13:01:39:028] Modem works in QMI mode [03-02_13:01:39:052] cdc_wdm_fd = 7 [03-02_13:01:39:141] Get clientWDS = 5 [03-02_13:01:39:173] Get clientDMS = 1 [03-02_13:01:39:205] Get clientNAS = 4 [03-02_13:01:39:237] Get clientUIM = 1 [03-02_13:01:39:269] Get clientWDA = 1 [03-02_13:01:39:301] requestBaseBandVersion RM502QAEAAR11A04M4G [03-02_13:01:39:429] requestGetSIMStatus SIMStatus: SIM_READY [03-02_13:01:39:429] requestSetProfile[1] iot.tmowholesale.static///0 [03-02_13:01:39:493] requestGetProfile[1] iot.tmowholesale.static///0 [03-02_13:01:39:525] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 0, MNC: 0, PS: Detached, DataCap: UNKNOW [03-02_13:01:39:557] requestQueryDataCall IPv4ConnectionStatus: DISCONNECTED [03-02_13:01:39:557] ifconfig wwan0 [03-02_13:01:39:573] ifconfig wwan0 down [03-02_13:02:06:437] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 310, MNC: 260, PS: Detached, DataCap: UNKNOW [03-02_13:02:06:469] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 310, MNC: 260, PS: Detached, DataCap: UNKNOW [03-02_13:02:09:765] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 310, MNC: 260, PS: Detached, DataCap: UNKNOW [03-02_13:02:32:133] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 310, MNC: 260, PS: Detached, DataCap: UNKNOW [03-02_13:02:35:365] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 310, MNC: 260, PS: Detached, DataCap: UNKNOW
And ifconfig shows this: (before I run the command above, after I run it wwan0 goes away)
voxl2:/$ ifconfig bond0: flags=5123<UP,BROADCAST,MASTER,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 ether 8e:62:c9:ae:cb:5e txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet) RX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B) RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B) TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0 dummy0: flags=195<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,NOARP> mtu 1500 inet6 fe80::f942:3eee:119e:32f0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link> ether 4a:91:5e:0b:29:d0 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet) RX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B) RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 4 bytes 824 (824.0 B) TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0 lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING> mtu 65536 inet netmask inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128 scopeid 0x10<host> loop txqueuelen 1000 (Local Loopback) RX packets 80 bytes 5920 (5.9 KB) RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 80 bytes 5920 (5.9 KB) TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0 wwan0: flags=4291<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,NOARP,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet6 fe80::f1eb:2024:d885:26f4 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20<link> ether 7a:2d:dc:62:b9:84 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet) RX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B) RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0 TX packets 0 bytes 0 (0.0 B) TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
Pinging shows 100% packet loss.
Also, doing systemctl status on voxl-modem shows the same output as before.
I do have all 4 antennas connected.
I tried with a different SIM card, since I believe the issue had to do with that specific SIM.
This one actually goes through the dialing process which seems good. However, no connection is being established.
voxl2:/$ quectel-CM -s vzwinternet [03-02_13:00:11:484] Quectel_QConnectManager_Linux_V1.6.0.24 [03-02_13:00:11:486] Find /sys/bus/usb/devices/1-1.1 idVendor=0x2c7c idProduct=0x800, bus=0x001, dev=0x004 [03-02_13:00:11:488] Auto find qmichannel = /dev/cdc-wdm0 [03-02_13:00:11:488] Auto find usbnet_adapter = wwan0 [03-02_13:00:11:488] netcard driver = qmi_wwan, driver version = 22-Aug-2005 [03-02_13:00:11:489] Modem works in QMI mode [03-02_13:00:11:515] cdc_wdm_fd = 7 [03-02_13:00:11:593] Get clientWDS = 2 [03-02_13:00:11:625] Get clientDMS = 1 [03-02_13:00:11:657] Get clientNAS = 4 [03-02_13:00:11:689] Get clientUIM = 1 [03-02_13:00:11:721] Get clientWDA = 1 [03-02_13:00:11:753] requestBaseBandVersion RM502QAEAAR11A04M4G [03-02_13:00:11:881] requestGetSIMStatus SIMStatus: SIM_READY [03-02_13:00:11:881] requestSetProfile[1] vzwinternet///0 [03-02_13:00:11:945] requestGetProfile[1] vzwinternet///0 [03-02_13:00:11:977] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:00:12:009] requestQueryDataCall IPv4ConnectionStatus: DISCONNECTED [03-02_13:00:12:009] ifconfig wwan0 [03-02_13:00:12:027] ifconfig wwan0 down [03-02_13:00:12:265] requestSetupDataCall QMUXResult = 0x1, QMUXError = 0xe [03-02_13:00:12:265] call_end_reason is 1 [03-02_13:00:12:265] call_end_reason_type is 6 [03-02_13:00:12:265] call_end_reason_verbose is 113 [03-02_13:00:12:266] try to requestSetupDataCall 5 second later [03-02_13:00:17:289] requestSetupDataCall QMUXResult = 0x1, QMUXError = 0xe [03-02_13:00:17:289] call_end_reason is 3 [03-02_13:00:17:289] call_end_reason_type is 3 [03-02_13:00:17:289] call_end_reason_verbose is 2001 [03-02_13:00:17:289] try to requestSetupDataCall 10 second later [03-02_13:00:27:337] requestSetupDataCall QMUXResult = 0x1, QMUXError = 0xe [03-02_13:00:27:337] call_end_reason is 3 [03-02_13:00:27:337] call_end_reason_type is 3 [03-02_13:00:27:338] call_end_reason_verbose is 2001 [03-02_13:00:27:338] try to requestSetupDataCall 20 second later [03-02_13:00:27:497] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:00:28:873] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:00:33:161] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:00:34:633] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:00:36:201] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:00:37:609] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:00:47:657] requestSetupDataCall QMUXResult = 0x1, QMUXError = 0xe [03-02_13:00:47:657] call_end_reason is 3 [03-02_13:00:47:658] call_end_reason_type is 3 [03-02_13:00:47:658] call_end_reason_verbose is 2001 [03-02_13:00:47:658] try to requestSetupDataCall 40 second later [03-02_13:00:49:257] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:00:50:697] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:00:53:673] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:00:55:209] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:00:56:425] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:00:57:641] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:01:00:393] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:01:01:769] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:01:08:521] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:01:09:673] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:01:23:593] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:01:25:097] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:01:28:329] requestSetupDataCall QMUXResult = 0x1, QMUXError = 0xe [03-02_13:01:28:329] call_end_reason is 1 [03-02_13:01:28:330] call_end_reason_type is 6 [03-02_13:01:28:330] call_end_reason_verbose is 113 [03-02_13:01:28:330] try to requestSetupDataCall 60 second later [03-02_13:01:30:313] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:01:31:561] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:01:34:345] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:01:35:593] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:01:39:977] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:01:41:577] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:01:43:241] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: LTE [03-02_13:01:44:745] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: LTE [03-02_13:01:46:090] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:01:47:753] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:01:49:257] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: LTE [03-02_13:01:51:817] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:01:57:417] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:02:11:497] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:02:13:961] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:02:15:177] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:02:17:641] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:02:19:017] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:02:20:233] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:02:27:401] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:02:28:425] requestSetupDataCall QMUXResult = 0x1, QMUXError = 0xe [03-02_13:02:28:425] call_end_reason is 3 [03-02_13:02:28:426] call_end_reason_type is 3 [03-02_13:02:28:426] call_end_reason_verbose is 2001 [03-02_13:02:28:427] try to requestSetupDataCall 60 second later [03-02_13:02:28:809] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:02:30:249] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: LTE [03-02_13:02:37:545] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:02:38:761] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:02:45:993] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:02:47:561] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:02:55:817] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:02:57:065] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:03:01:513] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:03:03:081] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:03:04:329] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:03:06:985] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:03:18:281] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:03:19:657] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: LTE [03-02_13:03:21:161] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:03:22:281] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:03:26:345] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:03:27:529] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:03:28:553] requestSetupDataCall QMUXResult = 0x1, QMUXError = 0xe [03-02_13:03:28:554] call_end_reason is 3 [03-02_13:03:28:554] call_end_reason_type is 3 [03-02_13:03:28:554] call_end_reason_verbose is 2001 [03-02_13:03:28:554] try to requestSetupDataCall 60 second later [03-02_13:03:31:721] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:03:33:321] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:03:34:729] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:03:36:361] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:03:42:345] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:03:45:545] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:03:48:554] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:03:49:802] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:04:00:841] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:04:02:281] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:04:29:481] requestSetupDataCall QMUXResult = 0x1, QMUXError = 0xe [03-02_13:04:29:482] call_end_reason is 1 [03-02_13:04:29:482] call_end_reason_type is 6 [03-02_13:04:29:482] call_end_reason_verbose is 113 [03-02_13:04:29:482] try to requestSetupDataCall 60 second later [03-02_13:05:08:745] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:05:10:153] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:05:11:497] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:05:12:681] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:05:14:313] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:05:16:841] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:05:30:505] requestSetupDataCall QMUXResult = 0x1, QMUXError = 0xe [03-02_13:05:30:505] call_end_reason is 1 [03-02_13:05:30:505] call_end_reason_type is 6 [03-02_13:05:30:505] call_end_reason_verbose is 113 [03-02_13:05:30:505] try to requestSetupDataCall 60 second later [03-02_13:05:33:897] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:05:35:529] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: LTE [03-02_13:05:38:473] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:05:40:106] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:06:31:689] requestSetupDataCall QMUXResult = 0x1, QMUXError = 0xe [03-02_13:06:31:689] call_end_reason is 1 [03-02_13:06:31:690] call_end_reason_type is 6 [03-02_13:06:31:690] call_end_reason_verbose is 113 [03-02_13:06:31:690] try to requestSetupDataCall 60 second later [03-02_13:07:27:209] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:07:28:713] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:07:32:425] requestSetupDataCall QMUXResult = 0x1, QMUXError = 0xe [03-02_13:07:32:426] call_end_reason is 1 [03-02_13:07:32:426] call_end_reason_type is 6 [03-02_13:07:32:426] call_end_reason_verbose is 113 [03-02_13:07:32:426] try to requestSetupDataCall 60 second later [03-02_13:08:21:801] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:08:23:145] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:08:33:193] requestSetupDataCall QMUXResult = 0x1, QMUXError = 0xe [03-02_13:08:33:193] call_end_reason is 3 [03-02_13:08:33:194] call_end_reason_type is 3 [03-02_13:08:33:194] call_end_reason_verbose is 2001 [03-02_13:08:33:194] try to requestSetupDataCall 60 second later [03-02_13:08:40:201] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:08:41:673] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: LTE [03-02_13:09:33:737] requestSetupDataCall QMUXResult = 0x1, QMUXError = 0xe [03-02_13:09:33:737] call_end_reason is 3 [03-02_13:09:33:737] call_end_reason_type is 3 [03-02_13:09:33:737] call_end_reason_verbose is 2001 [03-02_13:09:33:737] try to requestSetupDataCall 60 second later [03-02_13:09:59:721] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:10:00:937] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:10:07:785] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:10:09:129] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:10:10:377] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:10:11:721] requestRegistrationState2 MCC: 311, MNC: 480, PS: Attached, DataCap: 5G_NSA [03-02_13:10:34:857] requestSetupDataCall QMUXResult = 0x1, QMUXError = 0xe [03-02_13:10:34:857] call_end_reason is 1 [03-02_13:10:34:857] call_end_reason_type is 6 [03-02_13:10:34:857] call_end_reason_verbose is 113 [03-02_13:10:34:857] try to requestSetupDataCall 60 second later [03-02_13:11:34:921] requestSetupDataCall QMUXResult = 0x1, QMUXError = 0xe [03-02_13:11:34:921] call_end_reason is 3 [03-02_13:11:34:921] call_end_reason_type is 3 [03-02_13:11:34:921] call_end_reason_verbose is 2001 [03-02_13:11:34:922] try to requestSetupDataCall 60 second later
@John-Nomikos-0 I wonder if this is because we are trying with a sim card that is assigned a static ip address
working with a verison sim:
I wonder if this is just a sim card thing....then again I have no idea what is different with these sim cards
hmmm now i appear to be having the same issues. can not even get wwan0 up anymore.
I did install zerotier so that I could talk to the VOXL2 from QGC. However, I am unsure if that would cause this. I stopped the zerotier software in the meantime -
@wilkinsaf Unfortunately I don't have too much more to recommend in terms of debugging. We haven't tried zerotier before but have had good success with tailscale
@tom I walked into tmobile, got a sim card for $21... works.
I did some reading on quectel modem and think that you have to register the modem mac address through verizon. They do annoying things like that.
At the moment everything is working well. Going to powercycle, but shout out to TMobile. -
I also remembered you referencing some commands for sending AT commands using busybox microcom I believe.
I can not find the forum post, but if you have any documentation (or know where that forum post is) it we be helpful for us. -
JK found it
https://forum.modalai.com/post/4746 (with a link to the quectel AT commands)
https://forum.modalai.com/topic/401/lte-modem-works-but-cannot-ping/23Had to change my search topic to title AND posts