Using Qualcomm's camera subsystem on VOXL2
I've been working on another RB5 platform and am migrating to VOXL. I used a command similar to above:
GST_DEBUG=3 gst-launch-1.0 -e qtiqmmfsrc camera=0 name=tracker ! video/x-h264,format=NV12,width=640,height=480,framerate=30/1 ! queue ! h264parse ! avdec_h264 ! videoconvert ! pngenc ! multifilesink enable-last-sample=false location="/data/misc/camera/cam0_img_%d_.png"
I get images, yet they are greyscale instead of color. Any help would be great!
Which camera config are you using?
Are you sure it's not a monochrome image sensor you are using?
Should be hires and tracking only. I'm trying to use the color hires one. I noticed when using the voxl-streamer, that the tracking one is probably monochrome.
An older /etc/modalai/ shows all 4 cameras, tracking, hires and stereo.Thanks for your reply. I hope to have this figured out soon.
C11. I'm trying to use the color hires one. I noticed when using the voxl-streamer, that the tracking ones and stereo is monochrome.
So now
GST_DEBUG=3 gst-launch-1.0 -e qtiqmmfsrc camera=3 ! video/x-raw,format=NV12,width=640,height=480,framerate=2/1 ! queue ! videoconvert ! jpegenc ! multifilesink enable-last-sample=false location="/data/misc/camera/cam0_img_%d_.jpg"
is giving me no image.
All other cameras (0,1,2,4,5) are working correctly with B/W
If I enable voxl-camera-server and voxl-streamer-hires, then I get a RTSP color stream, so the HW seems good.
Thanks for your reply. I hope to have this figured out soon.
I think I have the snapshot hires color working! I was grabbing the first picture instead of the last. The first one, the sensor must not be ready.
Back again...
I have my ML program running now with the qtiqmmfscrc pipeline and disabling voxl-camera-server. I'd like to run voxl-camera-server with just the tracking and stereo cameras so voxl-qvio-server will get data. I tried to remove just the hires camera from /etc/modalai/voxl-camera-server.conf but running voxl-camera-server aborts:
rb5:/$ /usr/bin/voxl-camera-server -d 0 No secondary id found for camera: tracking, assuming mono Secondary id found for camera: stereo_front, assuming stereo Secondary id found for camera: stereo_rear, assuming stereo ------ voxl-camera-server: Starting camera server Attempting to open the hal module SUCCESS: Camera module opened on attempt 0 Aborted
rb5:/$ more /etc/modalai/voxl-camera-server.conf { "version": 0.1, "cameras": [{ "name": "tracking", "enabled": true, "frame_rate": 30, "type": "ov7251", "camera_id": 2, "ae_desired_msv": 60, "ae_filter_alpha": 0.600000023841858, "ae_ignore_fraction": 0.20000000298023224, "ae_slope": 0.05000000074505806, "ae_exposure_period": 1, "ae_gain_period": 1 }, { "name": "stereo_front", "enabled": true, "frame_rate": 30, "type": "ov7251", "camera_id": 0, "camera_id_second": 1, "ae_desired_msv": 60, "ae_filter_alpha": 0.600000023841858, "ae_ignore_fraction": 0.20000000298023224, "ae_slope": 0.05000000074505806, "ae_exposure_period": 1, "ae_gain_period": 1 }, { "name": "stereo_rear", "enabled": true, "frame_rate": 30, "type": "ov7251", "camera_id": 5, "camera_id_second": 4, "ae_desired_msv": 60, "ae_filter_alpha": 0.600000023841858, "ae_ignore_fraction": 0.20000000298023224, "ae_slope": 0.05000000074505806, "ae_exposure_period": 1, "ae_gain_period": 1 }] }
Any advice? Thank you for your time.
The Qualcomm HAL3 camera framework only allows one application to connect, which is why we created voxl-camera-server. What you want to do is not possible due to this limitation from Qualcomm
Thank you for the reply. That makes sense.
What are the available outputs of voxl-camera-server? It looks like voxl-qvio-server uses a pipe. Wondering if I have another option to qtiqmmfscrc, rtsp and udp.
Thanks you, I appreciate you taking the time to reply.
that is documented here:
The Pipe API worked great! Thanks.
Can the hires camera output RBG instead of NV12 and can voxl-camera-server support that?