@Kessie Are you running with a WiFi connection? If so, is it in station mode (connected to an external access point) or in soft ap mode (voxl 2 acting as an access point)? You can edit the voxl-mavlink-server configuration file (/etc/modalai/voxl-mavlink-server.conf
) to specify the IP address of the computer hosting Mission Planner.
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Customer Qisda Private Support List
RE: Ardupilot : connection with Mission Planner
RE: Timeline for open-vins documentation
@star123 At this time masks are supported through programmatic means only.
I'll add it to our feature list for the next release and should be in our nightly builds by mid-next week. If you take a look at /data/modalai/zero_ref.jpg is an example format to give you an idea when the feature is ready.
RE: Starling 2 Thermal Camera Suggestions
@wifa799 So I would stop both voxl-uvc-server (
systemctl stop voxl-uvc-server
) and voxl-streamer (systemctl stop voxl-streamer
). Then in one terminal window start voxl-uvc-server from the command line (voxl-uvc-server -r 160x120 -f 9
) and leave it running (Don't hit ctrl-c to exit). Then in another terminal first make sure that/etc/modalai/voxl-streamer.conf
has been configured properly to use the uvc stream and then start it with verbose output (voxl-streamer -v 0
). You can get some documentation on the options withvoxl-streamer --help
. Then you should be able to access the RTSP stream with VLC or QGC atrtsp://
RE: Arm the RB5 drone with Mavros only
@selina QGC fails to arm in offboard mode or fails to go into offboard mode at all? What version of VOXL SDK are you using?
RE: Voxl-Mavcam-Manager Multiple RTSP Stream Setup
@ejohnson Can you try with QGC version 4.3.0? Seems newer QGC versions changed how they support this protocol so we will be updating our implementation accordingly.
RE: OpenVINS Reinitializing Issue
@SKA Can you post your output from running on the drone:
As well as what aircraft model is this? (appears to be Sentinel?)Older versions (pre Jan 2025) we may need to have yo run the ovins internal-mode tracker. Otherwise it maybe worth to upgrade to the latest SDK.
RE: How to tune OpenVins
Again, longer waiting times on the ground during pre-flight (<2min) will introduce drift either by thermal issues or feature noise.
To address thermal issues, the IMU is not temperature calibrated from the factory. You can do so by running
To address feature noise, you can raise the drone a couple inches above the ground (typically 3 inches).
If both cases cannot be done in your application, we do offer a blind takeoff feature in ovins, by setting in voxl-open-vins-sever.conf:
"en_vio_always_on": false
But note, you will see vio stay 0,0,0 (even if you move the drone) and see any feature points freeze in place as this feature holds the vio state at 0,0,0 until the drone is armed and very slow takeoffs can introduce a static Z offset upto 0.1m. -
RE: support for septentrio GNSS / GPS receiver modules
@ravi You can try with PX4 version 1.15.2. We have that package available for VOXL 2 here: http://voxl-packages.modalai.com/dists/qrb5165/dev/binary-arm64/voxl-mainline-px4_1.15.2-202502041627_arm64.deb
RE: Configuring VOXL 2 with a new UDP port
@Gary-Holmgren Yes, only one thing can be using port 14550 on the VOXL 2. So that is voxl-mavlink-server. So, if you have another application (Something using MAVSDK) then you choose some other unused port for it and tell it to connect to port 14550. Basically voxl-mavlink-server is the server and your MAVSDK application is the client.
RE: Starling 2 - Voxl-dfs-server
@valvarez Starling 2 uses the TOF sensor, not stereo cameras, for depth information.