@TomP Oh, yes, this is all great news! Very exciting to hear! I will send an email to your account with some follow up questions.
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RE: ArduPilot on Voxl2
RE: ArduPilot on Voxl2
@TomP Wonderful! So glad to hear. And I would really love to hear how the flight testing goes. We've never tried a VOXL 2 (or VOXL 2 mini) on a fixed wing (with ArduPilot) so be careful and triple check to make sure everything looks setup correctly before launching.
RE: ArduPilot on Voxl2
@TomP Okay, I think that firmware needs to be upgraded. Can you try voxl-2-io and choose upgrade_firmware?
RE: ArduPilot on Voxl2
@TomP A new voxl-ardupilot package with debug information added. But we may not need that. Try
voxl-2-io detect
and then if that is successful then tryvoxl-2-io scan
RE: ArduPilot on Voxl2
@TomP Can you stop ardupilot and then run this command on VOXL 2 mini?
voxl-2-io detect
RE: ArduPilot on Voxl2
@TomP Yep, that all looks fine. Shoot. I may need to send you a new package with extra debug information to help debug this since by default there really isn't much we can see.
RE: ArduPilot on Voxl2
@TomP Can you tell me how you have connected the UART pins on M0065 to the UART pins on VOXL 2 mini? Like the actual pin numbers that are connected?
RE: ArduPilot on Voxl2
@TomP Hmm, that looks correct. On my test setup running ArduPlane with those values I see output values being sent to the M0065 board. I'm wondering if there is a connectivity issue between the VOXL 2 mini and the IO board.
RE: ArduPilot on Voxl2
@TomP If you set the SERVO(x)_FUNCTION parameters according to this: https://ardupilot.org/plane/docs/servo-functions.html#overview do you get any PWM output?