Hello everyone,
I am using two seeker drones for flight infoors, and I have encountered issues with setup and autonomous flight. Firstly when i use qgroundcontrol I uploaded the indoor flight parameters for PX4 v11.1. I go through parameters and disable even the arming check for GPS but still cannot get it to work. I trie to update to newer PX4 firmware but had issues with connecting to the drone as did not find much steps for updates. Therefore wanted to ask if anyone encountered this and if there is a potential fix.
Also i setup the qgroundcontrol initially as just monitoring and use mavproxy and python with pymavlink to send commands to the drone, but have encountered alot of the same gps issues as the drone did not want to respond to any commands. I used program from prior students, which worked, but when recreatign their steps it just decided that it does not want to accept any commands.
I will provide as much detail as needed for troubleshooting but here are the steps i tried.
Reset all parameters and recalibrate the drone.
Check voxl services if vio is running.
Check the mavlink config file to see if the IP is defined well, and it is.
Thank you for your time and consideration.