M0062 VOXL 2 Ethernet Expansion and USB Hub Missing User Guide
We wanted to start using the ethernet expansion board for the SD card slot and additional USB ports. But I notice there is nothing written in the user guide (link). Namely we're curious how we should be setting the switches in the SW1 component, among other uncertainties which can arise when we begin to use the product.
@Morten-Nissov The switches can be left in the default state they're shipped, they're mainly used for booting the board into various modes for one time factory flash. As for any additional questions that may arise they can be addressed here and the documentation can be updated to fill in the blanks.
@tom Sorry about that, I thought I had answered this.
Would you be able to tell me what the default state is? I really can't recall if they've been moved since we got it.
@Morten-Nissov Likely should all be off, it's been a while since I've had one of these come across my desk. I'll see if I can find one to reference.