General understanding on voxl-feature-tracker
I am working on VOXL2 beta image 1.6.2 with voxl-suite 1.0.0-beta4. I can see voxl-feature-tracker, voxl-flow-server and voxl-lepton-server part of this release. I wanted to gain more understanding with these packages. I do understand these packages are under active development but I would be happy to try them out on my setup.-
Is voxl-feature-tracker only meant for thermal camera lepton at the moment?
Does voxl-flow-server fuses flow data with PX4? If yes do we need to use additional rangefinder sensor for altitude in this case?
Is it mandatory to use lepton camera over spi with voxl-lepton-server for above setup to work or we can use uvc camera stream as input to voxl-feature-tracker?
A general architectural understanding of voxl-feature-tracker and rest of the packages would be highly appreciated.
@Chad-Sweet @Eric-Katzfey Any update on this information?
We do not have any feature to share at this point.