How to access cameras with opencv
I have a basic script to try and access a camera. I tried using opencvs cv2.VideoCapture() but have tried the devices i see on ls /dev. I get /dev/video0, /dev/video1, /dev/video32, /dev/video33. I also tried to use gstreamer to access these cameras to no result.
I installed a v4l2-utils to see my devices to which returns when I use '''vl2-ctl --list-devices''' which returns
"msm_vidc_vdec ():
/dev/v4l-subdev7"Any idea how I can use the cameras that come with the kit to be used in basic CV programming?
Please see the documentation for voxl-camera-server here:
There are many examples in our SDK code base of how to consume that data. Here is a good place to look for each of our services:
Here is some exact code here:
And another example here: